Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pa, CDM approves 4 decrees. Renzi: “More money for contracts, but smart to be punished” – The Republic

Rome – “The ongoing reform Pa. Today, the CDM has finally approved four decrees #passodopopasso”. So the minister of Public Administration, Marianna Madia, announced via Twitter the green light to a new package of measures by the Council of Ministers. Actually have 5 major measures emerged from the meeting, explained after the meeting by the President of the Council Matteo Renzi : “What seemed impossibilesta happening, simplify this country. But we go in that direction, making always easier to govern our country. “

Injustice to heal. Premier Particular emphasis has placed him on an issue which, he said, is an injustice to be remedied. “For seven years, public employees do not have a pay rise, to reopen the contract stage. The figure in the Stability Law is little more than symbolic, we are ready to discuss, we know that we need more money and we are ready to put more money provided it is clear that those who work in public administration must be rewarded and those who make clever should be punished, “said the premier, who added:” it is time to address this injustice. We, however, propose a tall and noble exchange ” , he made it clear: the greater severity towards “scoundrels of the card,” whose dismissal, he stressed, “is not demagoguery, but it’s a cultural thing,” must now be accompanied the release of salaries “for those who work well” because it is an “injustice” to heal.

Investments with fast track. Among the measures approved by the Council of Ministers, there is one that “allows certain administrative processes laden with particular impact of having a fast track. ” For example, clarified Renzi “for an investment that creates 300 jobs there are dies, now if there is consent there will be a fast track.”

Health. A other matters as approved covering health executives: “Even here – said Renzi – we put the definite yes: the theme is transparency, merit and the right people to manage the health, less talk and more concrete facts and never in the hands of the health worst political “. Managers of public hospitals will no longer be appointed by the political, then, but chosen based on merit by a national register. With the approval of the decree implementing the reform Madia, he said the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin , “Change the way you evaluate and choose the management of the Italian health”, the decree today “changes governance of Health “. With the new decree you choose to “target new selection models of Health managers, general managers and health and administrative directors -has continued eral with merit, impartiality and transparency and with a clear process of identification and selection that takes away an evaluation linked to the political organ discretion and confidence to rely on a technical assessment. “

Forestry. As previously announced, the CDM has approved the decree that incorporates the Forest: “You go from 5 to 4 the police, forest pass inside the police,” said Renzi. Dall’accorpamento of Ranger “will create a specific command, in arming the police,” explained the Minister of Agriculture, Maurizio Martina . The new command “will be one of the most solid in the international arena, with 8,000 units, for a new protection path of forest policies”. It also emphasizes, the reorganization also will be established a “specific direction within the ministry”. With the unification will take place, he added, an “extraordinary regional coverage” going to cover, thanks to the ubiquity of the weapon’s coverage of the Carabinieri, also “rural areas.” In addition, the minister assured that “the professionalism of forest will be safeguarded”.

simpler procedures for ports … reduction and “simplifying procedures of port authorities” is another point approved by the Council of Ministers. “We want the port of Genoa and Savona will become the port of Switzerland and southern Germany, we have already made arrangements for this and we want the North Adriatic ports work together and act as a gateway to Austria and East European, “said Transport Minister, Graziano Delrio , who stressed that the ambition is that of a” strong simplification “,” efficiency “and to” take advantage of the geographical location of ‘Italy to promote economic development. ” He concluded: “It is a reform that aims to make the system more sea that creates new jobs. There is a simplification of the procedure on the one hand and on the other side of simplification of governance. It goes from 57 ports of national interest in 15 port authorities. “

… and compensation for floods and disasters. Although it is not part of the law Madia, said Renzi, the package is also expected compensation for the drought and floods: “It’s hard to compensate and return the money to those who have suffered a natural disaster, but now the compensation mechanism marks a step forward, “assured the prime minister. In essence, those who have had their own home or their business damaged by a disaster such as a flood, will be entitled to compensation. With the resolution passed today becomes in fact operating the organic reform of the post-emergency, designed to enable citizens and businesses, affected by a natural disaster, that it be given an important contribution to meet the costs. They will be recognized up to 80% of the damage to the private property, established on the basis of strict criteria, for up to 150 thousand euro. The maximum is € 450 thousand instead for productive activities, with recognition of up to 50% of the damages suffered by the buildings and 80% for machinery and stocks of raw materials. “With the green light today CDM becomes operational, the rule contained in the 2016 Stability Law that, for the first time, uniformly recognized throughout the national territory a contribution to the citizens and businesses damaged by floods and natural disasters , that occurred between 2013 and 2015. in 2016 stability, in fact, we have allocated a very significant amount (up to a maximum of 1.5 billion euro) to intervene with contributions in favor of those who have been affected “, commented Paola de Micheli , undersecretary at the Ministry of Economy.

Court of Auditors, appointed president of Scarfizzi Martucci. The Council of Ministers has approved the appointment of Arturo Martucci Scarfizzi, former deputy chairman, as President of the Court of Auditors. The CDM also took note of the appointment of the president Claudio Galtieri section of the Attorney General of the Court of Auditors. Proposed by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Giuliano Poletti it was also launched the procedure for the appointment of Massimo De Felice a President INAIL. The proposal will be forwarded to the Parliamentary Committees for opinion.


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