Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Referendum, Mattarella: “surreal debate, seems hunt Pokemon”. Criticism from M5s – The Republic

Rome – If you want to know the date of the constitutional referendum, for weeks ballerina – beginning or end of October, the first day or the last weeks of November – we must wait for the Supreme Court. This provide the procedures. Then the date still there because you have to wait for the Court. As well as talk of “unpacking” or more questions, instead of one, which will confirm whether or not the reform of the Constitution adopted by the Parliament, is “surreal.” Surreal as “hunt Pokemon.”

And ‘the call of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella , during the ceremony with the parliamentary press for the traditional gift of Fan. One approach, the one between the fanciful discussions on the constitutional referendum and the last virtual game in vogue, which Mattarella grandfather knows well.

Clarification by the head of state: “There has been talk of discussions between the political forces on one unpacking of the referendum question, it must be said that they had no power to political parties about this, and neither would the head of state. ” Only the Supreme Court has this possibility and “based on legal considerations, not political,” explains President Mattarella. So far the discussions held on the referendum “I apparese surreal, as the hunt for Pokemon”. Instead it is necessary to “stick to the substance of the issues.” Contend the 5stelle hard-nosed, “Mattarella has missed an opportunity to keep quiet. We will not accept that Renzi keep hidden the date, do not do not even her.” And Danilo Toninelli on Facebook to figure: “The Supreme Court has until August 15 for the order but by that time the prime minister has 60 days time”.

The head of state tries to svelenire climate of confrontation on the referendum that has become ever more heated in a run-up of the fronts Yes and No.

The political climate, done too often insults and utter lack of respect between opponents, does not like to Sergio Mattarella. Hence the warning: “We should be very careful, everyone, from those with political responsibility, to prevent violent expressions, outrageous, aggressive. It is absolutely not acceptable repeatedly insult a political opponent, fane target of an avera and their campaign defamatory or bitterness. the last uscrite leader Matteo Savini were offensive against the Speaker of the House, Laura Boldrini compared to an inflatable bambla to deflate. the signal of a brutalisation of political confrontation.

on the referendum constitutional the campaign goes live. “BastaunSì” the campaign slogan of the Democratic Party for the go ahead to the referendum to which Renzi binds the life of his government, offers additional new committees. If they calculate that of two thousand born today ” Yes to the South. “While the No announces a committee of mayors against. the fronts are both heterogeneous.

a great mix. In one of the No Berlusconi are both with an ad hoc committee that the big Committee of the left who in Gustavo Zagrebelsky the honorary president with constitutional Alessandro Pace and Lorenza Carlassarre, Sandra Bonsanti, Antonio Di Pietro, Maurizio Landini, Raniero La Valle, Stefano Rodotà, the ANPI. Always for the No Massimo D’Alema and Paolo Flores d’Arcais, the 5stars, Italian Left, the UDC of Cesa (but Casini is for Yes), Gaetano Quagliariello and his party centrist, in addition to the League of Salvini.
in front of the Yes mobilization of the Democratic Party and the whole government. There is a committee of moderate to Yes with Marcello Pera that raccolgierà Verdini and Enrico Zanetti.


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