Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Omegna, Renzi visit Cimberio and Alessi: “Let’s stop complaining, Italy can do it” – The Republic

The President of the Council Matteo Renzi started from Pogno, a few kilometers from Lake Orta, his morning visit to the northern Piedmont. The first stop was at Cimberio, a leading manufacturer of valves. The Prime Minister was invited to the presentation of SmartCim project, an innovation financed by the European Union programs that allows you to update the water, gas, steam and air conditioning: “No longer do you need to renovate existing facilities demolendoli then replace them. The ‘goal is to preserve their improvement and reducing energy costs without disrupting the activity that takes place in the buildings, “summarized Robert Cimberio, CEO of the company that bears his name.

The first installation of SmartCim project is being developed at the Norwegian Space Centre at Andoya, about 400 km north of the Arctic Circle, and will end in September. “The presence here today of the President Renzi for us is not only the opportunity to receive such an important personality – commented the owner Renzo Cimberio – but it is also a recognition of the effort that in these sixty years Cimberio has made in spreading the quality of Italian products in the world. “

” at Cimberio today is a day of celebration – said the prime minister on his arrival – but we mourn the victims of Nice. terrorism wants to force each of us in a bubble of concern, uncertainty, anxiety. the whole country response must be strong. I would like us to think that the best way to remember the victims of jihadism is to live with even more intensity. “

Then Renzi talked about economic issues: “As a government we are ready to do our part, we are ready to discuss open new windows with regard to the super depreciation and we are also ready to discuss tax rebate. But first of all we must try together to get out of that enclosure that is to say that all things in Italy are difficult “. He added: “The Cimberio is proof that Italy can make it. From globalization can have a very high dividend. Cimberio exports 95% of its product. We are able to make the most beautiful things in the world, we stop feeling sorry for himself. “

After a passage devoted to the problems of bureaucracy (” simplify and cut red tape this country is a duty, regardless of political color of the government “), before leaving the Cimberio President of the Council I made a promise: “I take a commitment: the law of stability must contain a passage on the extension of the amortization super. We make sure that the actions that we will help businesses to invest and create new work. Why would a country that does not create jobs is not a country that respects its constitution. “

the visit of Renzi in Piedmont then continued to Alessi, historic design firm of Omegna. “We welcome the president in the midst of our products and our people, the two things that give us most satisfaction,” explained the managing director Michele Alessi, who has claimed responsibility for his business the role of “little piece of the flag of Made in Italy. ” Alessi also spoke of. ‘Strong local roots, so strong that we can go far “

Again the prime minister launched into praise:” This is Italy, which gives up and who is not afraid. Thirty years ago the future was seen as an opportunity and we must return to the climate of that time, “said Matteo Renzi. Who explained to be in Piedmont “to say thank you and invite you to do even better.” The government, he remarked the president, will do its part: “In the next steps, within the law of stability

in particular, we will launch tools to help you: there is room for the super depreciation, but for you it is also important to the “patent box”, which gives the ability to defend intellectual property, as well as measures needed to encourage exports. ” In short, concluded the Prime Minister, “the world needs Italy, there is still a lot to do, but this is a great country.”

Topics :
Matteo Renzi


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