Thursday, July 28, 2016

Parisi on tiptoe: working at the convention, and look for new faces – the Journal

Stefano Parisi moves on tiptoe. Yesterday, for the new man who has to “regenerate moderate” and return the center at Palazzo Chigi, the Roman trip was a hit and run. Arrival in the morning and depart in the evening. No visit to the party; no taking hold office in Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina; no summit with the big names of Forza Italy; no contact with the blue regional coordinators who will meet next week.

Only a face-to-face with Gabriele Albertini, Senator centrist and former mayor of Milan, which Parisi is very good friend because he wanted his side as a city manager in years to palazzo Marino. Natural that the establishment of Forza Italy look favorably but also with some concern the rise of the former head of Fastweb. The fear is that Parisi proceed with an ax to prune some old branch forzista. But no doubt, inferences and alarms that for now they do not find evidence. Even so, the mayor of Milan entourage candidate, they do know that Parisi is focused on something else. In the first place the organization of the convention on 16 and 17 September in Milan, already renamed “Leopolda moderates.” Will march new people: entrepreneurs, professionals, traders and above all navigated a few politicians. That’s what I want Parisi and that is what Berlusconi wants. Just the direct line to the Knight is the Mister Chili strength that has just received the investiture by the leader himself. The yard has just opened and the plan is ambitious: “I have a project and answer only to Berlusconi – said Parisi – I want to create an alternative liberal Renzi. Otherwise people will think that if the Prime Minister loses the referendum and goes home, then won the 5 Star, or there is the abyss. For this it needs a renewal in its contents. Forza Italy must again become a government force. It has adapted to oppose. “For too many years Here: return Forza Italy to be a government force and not just opposition by writing on paper a very liberal program for the country. Economy, taxation, security, the fight against bureaucracy and against waste, legality and education are the pillars on which Parisi intends to build the house of the center. A center-right that must be inclusive and talk to everyone, including the League.

On this front Parisi does not seem worried about the reactions a bit ‘broken Salvini who hardly cheered for the drop in official field manager . A quiet perhaps due to the fact that one of the enemies to defeat Parisi is the centralism of a iperburocratico State. Theme, this, which is in the DNA of members of the League of all generations. Parisi, in fact, will vote ‘No’ in the referendum on constitutional reforms Renzi but not for sinister reasons conservatism; but because the bill Woods buries that bit of federalism that Italy had conquered with the center-right governments.

alliances, however, it is still too early to speak. Also because there is the belief that the electoral law is set to change, presumably after the referendum. And if Renzi were to lose and keep his word, the post Italicum will be written by this Parliament but at Palazzo Chigi another premier. In short, the elections will not appear on the horizon but the center-right, with Parisi director, is already organizing to win it now.


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