Monday, July 25, 2016

Legalization of cannabis before the House, immediately clash. final vote postponed until September – The Republic

Rome – “Today we start the debate without hypocrisy but then the exam will be updated in September and it is there that the parties will have to decide the approach “, says the leader of the Democratic Party in the Judiciary Committee, Walter Verini, speaking of the bill on cannabis which is now before the House of Deputies for general discussion.

Supported by 221 parliamentarians, who have formed an intergroup, technically the text by Roberto Giachetti (Pd), contains the “provisions on the legalization of the cultivation, processing and sale of cannabis and its derivatives” and is the first time in the parliamentary history Italian, that a measure of this kind is discussed by the meeting.

the numbers are clear: the Intergroup who have signed the bill are part of 87 deputies of the Movement five stars, 85 of the Democratic party, 24 Left Italian, 16 between civatiani and former grillini free-Possible Alternative, plus 7 montiani civic Choice and two forzisti. A few hours before the plenary debate of the promoters of the law also they convened a conference to celebrate the “historic day”, despite the postponement to September. “But to us this is fine” reassures Senator and Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Benedetto Della Vedova , convinced that the process of the law “will not be a walk. “ The clash in the classroom is inevitable, even now.


The vote on the text is in fact slipped to autumn because of the enormous number of amendments tabled, does mark a first result obstructionist activities of the People’s Area. Only the Minister Alfano party had in fact tabled 1,300 amendments to the text, in order to delay the landing of the text to the House. Instead the proposal is debated in the House today as planned, but to make this step Commissions had to give up to debate and vote on all the amendments.


Legalization of cannabis, so can weaken mafia and terrorism R. SAVIANO

“The bill will never be approved. It will make a virtual debate in the House, but the commission did not examine even 1 of the 1700 amendments so then surely it will come back to committee and discuss this issue again in September “says Maurizio Gasparri , Senator Forza Italy and vice president of the Senate. “However, if it was, because it will not happen, that the proposal was approved in the House – he added Gasparri – it is mathematically certain that the Senate would never pass this proposal. Today is a futile exercise by those who support this thesis, because it is a wrong thesis and loser. “

“With an indecent forcing, arrives today in the House to the House the measure on the legalization of cannabis, “notes Renato Brunetta , president of deputies of Italy Force, adding” it is unacceptable that in the face of such a sensitive issue, which brings into play also the right to health of citizens, it is decided, against everything and everyone to bring the text in plenary without warrant to the rapporteur, ie without the text has been minimally discussed in the relevant Commissions for Justice and social Affairs. “

“the more than 1700 amendments were thus completely bypassed – reminds Brunetta – in defiance of any democratic debate so frequently invoked by the promoters of the text, to give to Members of the Italian left a simple sweetener, ie the landing in Aula of the measure.

“Forza Italy will oppose this test of strength was endorsed by the government. Proponents of the measure have little to rejoice, because the text, hastily pushed in plenary is expected to return to the Commission, for a much-needed depth, in about the Articles and all the amendments, “concludes the leader Azure room.

An early skirmishes will continue during the general discussion, he had yesterday with the Ap-Ncd leader in the House, Maurizio Lupi , which invited the Secretary Benedetto Della Vedova (senator of the Mixed group, former president of the Italian radicals and animator of the Intergroup) to devote more time to his government post, “playing the best the delicate position of undersecretary of the foreign ministry. Leave to the discretion of Parliament – has warned Wolves – discussion on a measure unnecessary and damaging to young people’s lives. “

bill on cannabis
legalizing cannabis
Maurizio Gasparri
Renato Brunetta
blessed the widow

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