He does not have it done the little girl of 18 months forgot yesterday to Vada (Livorno) drive from the mother for about four hours today, after one day in agony, she died at the pediatric hospital Meyer in Florence where she was hospitalized in conditions desperate. Parents of small were at his bedside in all these hours and now you do not give peace. Beginning with the mother, who in the next few hours could be registered by the public prosecutor Massimo Mannucci under investigation on charges of manslaughter. It was she, yesterday morning, to forget the daughter and then telling rescuers to have done so because of “a sudden memory lapse”.
Now we will also be addressing the judicial iter ordeal, including the probable autopsy the child to define with certainty the cause of death. Yesterday’s supposed to be a day like any other, and instead for parents of small has become a nightmare: his mother like every morning should have accompanied their daughters to the solar field and nursery respectively, before going to work. But he has left only the largest, of 6 years, while the smaller remained in the car. When he parked the car to go to work she forgot her, leaving her in the passenger compartment of the car turned into a brief ‘oven to because of the high temperatures of these days where you have already exceeded 30 degrees before noon. When, around lunchtime, the woman returned to the car, he saw his daughter unconscious, reclined the seat and he understood. He has sounded the alarm. It followed in a desperate race his angel in the hospital, first to Cecina and then to the pediatric Florence Meyer. It started a race against time, unfortunately concluded today in the worst way. The parents agreed to donate organs.
The news has also fueled some controversy. “For some time we ask measures to avoid similar episodes and save the lives of children – says the president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzi – and in particular we have made a proposal to the car manufacturers today, in modern cars, there are audible warnings that put the driver on several fronts: seat belts not fastened, lights on, doors open, hand brake, reserve fuel tank in alarm. You also need an audible warning connected with the car seat for children or with the rear seat belts, so that, when the engine is turned off or the driver opens the door or so to get out (just a weight sensor) but the rear belt is still buckled, shots immediately the alarm. ” Proposal also shared by Italian Left who recalls: “It lies in Parliament in October 2014 a bill that we propose to address the problem: it appears all the more urgent to introduce new provisions in the Highway Code, under which becomes mandatory to adopt a warning system that signals the presence of the child in the seat of the vehicle and averts possible and inexplicable tragedies.
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