Saturday, July 23, 2016

Berlusconi: ok to Parisi, no to the referendum – Il Sole 24 Ore


At the end of the blessing of the old leader of Forza Italy Silvio Berlusconi against Stefano Parisi manager arrives. Gets so soft, not overly irritate the blue leaders rushed yesterday to Arcore and also to not burn prematurely a candidacy for the leadership of the center-considered successful, but arrives. Not a designation, but the beginning of a process whose outcome is predetermined. And the colonels can not but take notice. In short, “sketch”, as they say in Rome, but still manage to impose two things of no small importance: so far no official investiture of Parisi, and no doubt on the deployment of Forza Italy for the No in the referendum on reforms.

No clear to Ddl Woods, then, who wants to deflect suspicion of occult understanding with the enemy Matteo Renzi and which is above all a victory of the militant leader in the House Renato Brunetta. Stressing that, from his point of view, from the last of the blue general staff meeting with Berlusconi emerge three things: the total revitalization of the party; the confirmation of the leadership (Berlusconi, in fact), and the current leadership; open to those who have committed in the recent administrative just as Parisi, nominated for Milan against Giuseppe Sala, but without any ‘Opa’ on the party by anyone. In short, the old blue leadership tends to paint to Parisi as one of the many contributions that will be. Although, tells those who spoke to us in the last days, Berlusconi has already decided who will own Parisi to lead the future center. And this is a decision taken out of the party, with their children Marina and Pier Silvio, with Gianni Letta and Federico Confalonieri.

But Let’s read it, the statement released yesterday by the Arcore meeting. The revival of the party: “During today’s meeting of the President Silvio Berlusconi has laid stress on the need to relaunch Forza Italy to pick up the threads of dialogue with the people of the center which continues to be the majority in the country.” The deployment for the No in the referendum: “The participants shared the intent of President Berlusconi to strengthen the organization of the party and to relaunch the political initiative, starting with the October referendum to ensure a clear statement of No ». The role of Parisi: “All this through the opening to the contributions of those who wish to share this political path beginning with the protagonists of the recent local elections as Stefano Parisi.”

During the lunch menu with tricolor at Arcore, in truth, Berlusconi – appeared in the form if a little ‘tired after a recent heart operation – was more explicit with his staff than it leaves understanding the final communique. He is saying that he had thought of giving Parisi an organizational role for his managerial skills and also for its ability to aggregate the moderate area as proved in Milan. “The party is reorganized and asked Parisi to do due diligence. It is a manager, a technician, who better than him? “, Have been more or less the words of the old leader. Then the compromise of an involvement not yet officially (although Parisi, apparently, will begin to pertecipare to political meetings with the big party) to allow blue executives and forties who aspired to “place” as Giovanni Toti to digest choice. And the moderate camp has in mind Berlusconi arrives at the gates of the New center: it is no coincidence that Angelino Alfano, while reiterating the classical veto against the League of Matteo Salvini, does not close the door to Berlusconi project. Instead he, Salvini, for now reiterates anti-Merkel line but in essence are the window to control the unfolding of events. Meanwhile, today Toti will participate in a demonstration in favor of the No to the referendum together with Giorgia Meloni and at the same Salvini. While Parisi will participate in a public debate with the League’s Roberto Calderoli. The dances have just started.


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