Renato Schifani, senator, since yesterday now former leader of popular Area (Ncd-UDC): why did you decide to leave?
“I found that my party has disregarded the founding principles and its mission.”
I mean?
“It has taken an excessively pro-government position that involved an objective difficulty to carry forward our point program and to affirm our identity: I was always the idea that our experience should have been close with a vote for reform. We were born to be the fourth leg of the center: so instead, it just continues to weaken our nature. ”
the Minister Angelino Alfano supports the government of Matteo Renzi in 2014, she was group leader from February 12, 2015: what motivated you to take a step back now?
“Everyone comes to terms with his conscience. Studios to Rome Alfano said “alliance with the Democratic Party in 2014 and elections in 2015″. We have come now to 2016 “.
There was, in this path of reflection, an episode that ‘he prompted her to step back?
“There was a day, rather. Wednesday. When the united vote of the group on local authorities has run realized that I was not the internal enemy who organized fronds. And when Alfano, in the evening, he told us that Ncd would have to build a new party with Casini and Tosi, and only then decide which forge alliances without any planning. I did not have the heart to lead the group on the basis of this proposal. ”
Where to go now?
“I rest, for the moment. And, soon after, I will try to give my contribution to ensure that the center-back joined the Milan model. ”
It will leave Ncd?
“I’m thinking. And yes, it is not excluded. Difficult to live in a party whose new project, politically undetermined, prompted me to resign. ”
It goes away on its own or is there some fellow ready to follow it?
“I’m not Charon.”
Paolo Romani, president of the senators of Forza Italy, says his motives are ” appreciable. ” It sounds like an opening?
“The Romans words make me very happy, indicate that there is a common will to recover forces and political parties which may contribute to rebuilding a new center-right: it will not be the same as before, but in which it will require more effort to find a synthesis between parties that strongly assert their identity. ”
Do you think it possible to find a synthesis also with the League of Matteo Salvini?
“Sure. To say that an alliance with the League is impossible is to have a very short-term vision. Do not give up their values just because it is believed that one of the allies have extremist positions: on the contrary, it makes a battle within the center to strengthen the values of moderate forces. In Milan, for that matter, the solution has run found. We share the Parisi model “.
It has also talked with Silvio Berlusconi during your meeting at Arcore?
“No, that was a private visit of all in the course of which they discussed not political. But it is known that I am tied for years to the president. ”
That’s why I said he was “sorry for the offenses” of some members his group’s former premier?
‘Yes, I was very disturbed. I witnessed true metamorphosis from those who had been elected under the banner of Berlusconi but then did not hesitate to attack. ” If it did not share the pro-government line, because he supported the constitutional reform of Renzi? “I voted for party discipline. And because I did not give the idea of a defensive position in defense of the past. ”
About reforms: the Italicum change?
“I doubt that we can question the double shift, I find it more likely a surgical modification of the award to the list. But it is difficult for this to happen before the referendum. On which, incidentally, I hope that the Italians will vote based on the content. “
Alfano did you hear?
“Of course, and it was a friendly and painful goodbye. The seats it always takes more courage to leave than to occupy them. And I, is the second that I leave. “
July 19, 2016 (amendment July 19, 2016 after that of president of the PDL, | 22:39)
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