Saturday, July 30, 2016

Rome, waste senators Pd against Muraro. “Other than honesty, it monnezzopoli” – The Republic

Our Rome invaded by waste and un’assessore who claims to be alien to everything but then works for Ama for years. A film: #monnezzopoli. In Rome junk everywhere and un’assessore waste that has interests in Ama. Nothing but honesty. #Monnezzopoli #Muraro. The new councilor # M5S in Rome #Muraro consultant Ama for over 10 years. Not enough direct streaming to be transparent! #monnezzopoli “.

So senators Pd Monica Cirinnà, Rosanna Fillippin and Francesca Puglisi, on Twitter, while not subsiding clash between to Ama resigning Daniele Fortini, and the councilor for the Environment. Fortini in an interview with Republic today reaffirms that during his 12 years in Ama Muraro had a wage ‘ compared to that of an important executive and had positions of great responsibility was designated to environmental control systems of the four loves, including tmb Rocca Cencia where he carried out the raid, and concluded that the facility is in shameful conditions. Muraro also knew the plant leaders, before he took them to the former Franco Panzironi, arrested for Mafia capital, through the selection of the same commission of which some components have been sentenced in the process Parentopoli. “ Then always Fortini SkyTg24 to ggiunge: “Rome is in a condition of extreme precariousness and fragility, which can determine if there are no necessary corrections, the formidable risk of infiltration also of organized crime. I believe that the bicameral committee should raise the alert level. “

The Muraro its part replica :” If I was contacted by the prosecution? No. What I would do if I were to be investigated? I can not think of a thing that is not in my availability. But I ready my dossier, I’ll pull out at the right time. “

And now the thrust of the Democratic Party senators.” In Rome on waste affair is shaping a bleak picture and bleak – adds Alessia Rotta Dem responsible for communication – Around the figure of the neo Muraro councilor in the council Rays are intertwined opaque ties that bring back the capital of at least twenty years old, having relationships with German and those consultations for he loves that lasted for 12 years, that they did collect more than one million Euros thanks to a contract revalued for Panzironi. “hand it adds:” So much for transparency, then if all this is also added the figure of Alfonso Marra former employee of German and loyalist Panzironi and even among the closest collaborators of the rays. Ray has nothing to say about all this or has even forgotten that she was the president of Hgr, of Gloria Rojo owned company, secretariat Panzironi in Love? “.

While president of the Democratic Party deputies, Ettore Rosato asks the mayor to assess whether Muraro can remain. “Transparency is not a home movie on Facebook and honesty is not a campaign slogan. What bothered him was the presumption with which grillini campaigning professed honesty and quick fixes.
Once you get to the government – has sottolineato- the music has changed: Rome is dirty no more or less (rather than more) before the Rays were elected mayor: and she has been to say that it would solve the problem three weeks ago. But in the meantime it turned out that those who should solve the problem, the councilor for Environment Paola Muraro, went away with a million euro in counseling from quell’Ama today on charges of inefficiency and delays. It’s still. The same has never played a useful role in the company while his lievitava salary with former to Panzironi sentenced to 5 years for Parentopoli “

” The mayor is Rays Monday in plenary to report on Julius Caesar ‘Councillor Muraro. The Five Stars put into practice the transparency that so far have only preached. “

To ask is the leader of the Democratic Party in the Assembly Capitolina, Michela Di Biase , which has submitted a question to the mayor for seek clarification on “what role did the commissioner Muraro, before assuming the post of council, compared to Love, which has received compensation from the company and whether it had any professional assignments of any kind, with other public and private companies waste management sector. “
junta rays
waste roma
paola muraro
Monica Cirinnà
Di Biase


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