Saturday, July 23, 2016

Renzi: “in late August Merkel and Hollande to Ventotene and from there, we throw down the gauntlet to Europe” – Rai News

Renzi “or at this stage you try to give a direction and a vision for Europe or we are considered by the people who live on Mars.” Pittella argues that the leadership of Renzi “must referendum regardless of the outcome, it is essential for the fate of the PES”. For the minister Gentiloni “the perfect storm in which we find ourselves, we must also consider it an opportunity.” Hope asks for a change of pace, we abandon “the liberal system that has emerged in recent years and has produced debacles”


Rome the secretary of the Democratic party, Matteo Renzi, has opened the assembly of the party works, indicating the road that will have to travel the country and the Democratic party:” or at this stage you try to give a direction and a vision for Europe or we are considered by people citizens living on Mars “. Because “the agenda of the next few months – said Renzi – sees a tremendous opportunity for Italy: in 2014 it was on the reforms, in 2015 the fiscal space now tell you that our chance is to Europe. He says the calendar and the political initiative that the government has taken and which can only be adopted pursuant to force the Democratic Party to the 2014 European “. So the secretary announced the second summit to three, after what happened in Berlin last June, which will take in Italy: “In the last days of August, Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande will be our guests in Ventotene”.

Why “gone are the days of smiles that offend not a person but a country, there are no more photos two “and emphasizes Renzi,” Ventotene will be the place where the next few days, in the coming weeks, we will bring the EU leaders to try to build together the reasons for hope, not of anger or of populism “. So, Renzi continues, “in the coming weeks, Europe must reflect on what needs to be great, but either the Democratic Party is aware that between now and March of 2017 we are able to build an alternative to the European model, or will have lost the ‘Europe, not the European Socialists or the Democratic Party. ” And you go back to Ventotene “to share with conviction on the EU’s values ​​and ideals.”

The secretary of the Democratic Party also criticized the “mistakes” made in the past by Europe, “when we allowed the technocracy to decide everything about finance and credit banks. We have been afraid to play our role. Now this fear has gone there. We go to Europe to play our role, first of all because Europe needs. “

the look of the Secretary widens and Europe is targeted to the uS, stressing that “we will respect the free and democratic vote of the largest universal democracy and collaborate with anyone, but here we can say here today that what is happening in the US is the symbol of what is likely to happen in the next few years in all the world. the US policy has always showed you before what will happen 5 or 10 years later in the world “and the victory of Trump would mark the” prevalence of rabies on hope and our response can not be moral or moralistic, if there is one thing worse than using the fear you underestimate it “and continues Renzi, Trump denies the american dream and plays on fear, builds on the climate that a the world is experiencing and is the exact opposite of what the uS has taught us over the past eight years. “

Then we are talking about the situation that has arisen in Turkey, after the failed coup, He warns the turkish president, Erdogan “that putting is not putting in jail people in prison professors and journalists but its future. There is no agreement on migrants who can play on the skin of human rights. “

Along the same lines of the Secretary expressed Foreign Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, ” There It takes courage to accept the idea, and we have to accept that the perfect storm in which we find there is also an opportunity. The Renzi message is right and it is true that Brexit was a very serious matter because it has challenged the EU certainty as a response to the crisis. The Perfect Storm redefines the role and characteristics of the left and right in the EU and we must ask ourselves a problem there. “

The leader of the PES Gianni Pittella as reiterating the position of European socialists is to propose “the suspension of negotiations for the visa liberalization” with Ankara “, because it supports the” Turkey’s entry prospects in Europe is now in the book of dreams. ” Economically Pittella emphasizes that today flexibility is not enough, we need to “say no to the Fiscal Compat” and – emphasizes – the strength of the PES in Strasbourg also depends on the leadership of Matteo Renzi. “His leadership must referendum regardless of the outcome, it is essential for the fate of the PES and to win our battles.”

Less aligned with the Democratic Party Secretary’s speech was the speech of the leader of the reformist Left, Robert Hope . “To avoid – he said – to deliver the people from the populists we must put at the center the fight against inequalities not denying that part of the gap” between politics and voters “is also due to the system liberal that has emerged in these years and has produced debacles helping the emergence of the feeling of fear that underlies the new phase of nationalism “. Therefore, emphasizes Hope, “on this ground the Democratic Party must have the courage of firm and clear words and start from a vision already in Ventotene I hope will make us move forward” and, noting that today the ‘Europe is failing to provide “answers to the middle class”, he asks: “Is not this the time for a refounding act of European Socialists?”. For Hope, this is the time for “a counter-attack” that “let us say that they are prepared to give up more sovereignty, ready, even with less states, to make a true federal Europe.”


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