Friday, July 22, 2016

civil unions, the green light to the mayors – ilgiornaleditalia

Decision of the State Council. And the first to celebrate is the usual Boldrini

Civil Unions, green light for

The State Council gave a favorable opinion to the decree on the registers for civil unions. The crux of any objection of Mayors consciousness – many of which in recent times have coalesced into a kind of ‘party’ supported by the usual gay lobby – it is overcome by the fact that the text speaks of civil registrar whose audience is very wide, it was explained at a press conference convened by Franco Frattini, among other things criticized for this sortie, as magistrate and former minister of the Berlusconi government.

the contents of the opinion on the decree that regulates the transitional arrangements for the transcription of civil unions in the civil registration Records were illustrated by Franco Frattini councilor who chairs the advisory session on legislative measures. The State Council also suggests that are launched together with the decree on the Registrar and what must enact the Ministry of the Interior relating to the formulas to use. “It will be possible in 15 days record the first civil union,” said Frattini. A suggestion that comes from the State Council is to submit to the opinion of the data protection commissioner, between now and December, the overall structure of the rules since they are used sensitive data. Finally, a further appeal to adopt within the prescribed decrees and not to miss the deadline of 5 December next: “One thing is a register laid out with an emergency order, the other is to regulate an entire situation – said Frattini – from Hence the advice to make a monitoring on the operation of the decree and the suggestion to produce

Among the first to celebrate the news, proving once again to be part of – and not over parts as its institutional role would impose – the president of the Chamber laura Boldrini, who tweeted: “It ‘s done. After the Council decision of State at the start civil unions in the municipalities. the law recognizes the rights and changes in society.”

On the same wavelength, and could not be otherwise, the undersecretary Ivan Scalfarotto: “I’m happy and proud to belong to a government and a party that has finally done what others have failed even to propose. “

The State Council gave a favorable opinion to the decree on the registers for civil unions. The node of any objection of mayors consciousness – many of which in recent times have coalesced into a kind of ‘party’ supported by the usual gay lobby – is exceeded by the fact that the text speaks of civil registrar whose audience is very wide, it was explained at a press conference convened by Franco Frattini, among other things criticized for this sortie, as magistrate and former minister of the Berlusconi government.

The contents of the opinion on the Decree which regulates the transitional arrangements for the transcription of civil unions in the Civil Registration Records were illustrated by Franco Frattini councilor who chairs the advisory session on legislative measures.

The State Council also suggests that are launched together with the decree on the Registrar and what must enact the Ministry of the Interior concerning the wording to be used. “It will be possible in 15 days record the first civil union,” said Frattini. A suggestion that comes from the State Council is to submit to the opinion of the data protection commissioner, between now and December, the overall structure of the rules since they are used sensitive data. Finally, a further appeal to adopt within the prescribed decrees and not to miss the deadline of 5 December next: “One thing is a register laid out with an emergency order, the other is to regulate an entire situation – said Frattini – from Hence the advice to make a monitoring on the operation of the decree and the suggestion to produce

information. “circular

Among the first to celebrate the news, proving once again to be part of – and not over the parts as its institutional role he would impose – the president of the Chamber laura Boldrini, who tweeted: “It ‘s done. After the decision of the State Council at the start civil unions in the municipalities. the law recognizes the rights and changes in society “. On the same wavelength, and it could not be otherwise, the undersecretary Ivan Scalfarotto: “I’m happy and proud to belong to a government and a party that has finally done what others have not even been able to offer.”

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