Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mattarella on wand reform politicians: just hunt for Pokemon – The Journal

Yes, there is Pikachu on the Hill, perhaps hidden in the gardens and the Manica Lunga of the building, but, says Sergio Mattarella, it is useless to try to catch him. And the other Japanese monsters, such as the date of the referendum and unpacking of the questions, well let them lose. “In these weeks – he complains the president – about the institutional referendum seemed to me to attend the discussions a bit ‘surreal, almost in the wake of the hunt for Pokemon.” But, he explains, there are no secrets, conspiracies with Chigi Palace to promote the yes, intertwining with the Finance or scheduled shifts: “The date is not set because you can not do that.” Matteo Renzi, who met Theresa May, will be happy: it still has room for maneuver. However, he adds the head of state, enough with the customizations. “The comparison is to be made on the merits of the reform because the electorate is expressed with full awareness, in its sovereignty.” It is a referendum, it’s not a vote on the government.

As of homework for the holidays, the quirinalizi messages start the last day of school before closing for vacation, during the ceremony of the fan. First, do not put me in the middle in political games. “He said there would be a shift in the date, someone has also invited peremptorily to indicate it.” October? End of November? After the law of Stability? It is impossible to know now, just as “the hunt for Pokemon.” “The procedure is governed by law and the process for the fixation can be started only after the Supreme Court has informed what are the allowed claims. The Court, which assesses their regularity, has until August 15 “.

Second warning: the road of unpacking, ie the division into more questions, indicated periodically by various members of the yes and the no, it is not viable. It’s too late. “It’s clear – says Mattarella – that political forces would have no power or ability to discuss it, as he would not have the head of state. In fact, in the face of a request, only the Supreme Court could decide. “

Third, stop it with the fights because certain controversies they only hurt the country. “We should be careful to avoid violent expressions, outrageous and insulting. We need the cooperation of all. In times of crisis a great country has a duty to be united, to instill strength and confidence, and provide hope. ” Mattarella ends, however, in the grillini viewfinder. “For us it is not surreal know the date of the referendum is a right that citizens know as soon as possible when they go to vote,” says Alessandro Di Battista. Mattarella “has lost the opportunity to keep quiet”, worse by the pentastellato Danilo Toninelli. But then comes a partial course correction with parliamentarians of the M5S of the constitutional affairs committee of the House, “the government and the majority make the shell game. Today Mattarella had to intervene to make things clear. “


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