Friday, July 22, 2016

M5S, Directory and grandson of Cricket do not find the square on the properties of the symbol. The Beppe uncle is on vacation – The Huffington Post

Now the problem is called Grillo. But it not intended as Beppe. But as Enrico, that is the grandson of pentastellato leader, lawyer and vice president M5S. E ‘in his studio in Genoa, where there is the registered office of the Movement, that the grillino Executive met to decide the facts in the new structure. And it is here that the Directory (Di Maio, Di Battista, Fico, Ruocco, Sibilia) and Enrico Grillo would be staged a tug on the property of the symbol M5S. According to reports, the grandson of Beppe would have checked the operation on the starry brand that currently belongs to the association Movimento 5 Stelle, formed, until the disappearance of Gianroberto Casaleggio last April, by four partners: the same Grillo, Casaleggio Enrico Nadasi (accountant Grillo) and Enrico Grillo.

While the movement changes the course of its history, Beppe Grillo is on holiday in Olbia, although most well accredited sources had reported that on the day of the mega Summit comedian was in Genoa where he was reached by the Executive Board for its 68 years. In short, around the presence of pentastellato leader it has fueled a yellow. Roberto Fico writes on Facebook: “Too bad that the five of us in Genoa, but Beppe is on vacation so is right in another region”. So a user asks: “So, why you are in Genoa?”. In the morning is reported – by parliamentary sources – the meeting in the law firm of Henry Grillo, without his uncle. Carlo Sibilia, for his part, tries to confuse the Water management: “No secret meeting. There is no change in ownership.” Luigi Di Maio goes further: “Cricket and its future are not at issue in the 5 Star Movement. L ‘only thing to do – he explains – is that we have to adapt a bit’ of paperwork to some judicial orders that have been issued in recent days. ” The reference is to the question of appeals after the Naples court ruled in favor of the expelled and then Beppe Grillo, as the only guarantor and chairman of the Movement, the risk of losing his own pocket money. Also for this reason it was decided to create an ad hoc committee and sponsors to change the statute.

Not only. The historic step is in the will of cricket was no longer his own symbol as president. But the association, as it is known, is also part of the niece who – according to reports – would not be willing to surrender the property to let all the space to parliamentarians. Then, the middle way that would lead to the square – we think in these times – would be an input of the association directory instead of Gianroberto Casaleggio. In this case, however, it would open a huge problem with some deputies and senators Orthodox, still convinced that “one is worth one” and suffering from over-exposure of the Directory. In this context, however, also the Rousseau Association, founded by David Casaleggio, does not want to be excluded.

In short, the history of the parties argue over who gets to keep the symbol have always occurred once completed the spin-off, in the case of 5stelle happens when the leader Beppe Grillo decided to take a step back, causing an earthquake Movement in trying to walk on his legs.

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