Thursday, July 14, 2016

New cleavage Choice Civica, founded the group ‘Sc-Citizens for Italy’ – The Republic

Rome – continues the epic Policy Choice Civica, in the name of quarrels and divisions. And this time also by Denis Verdini. The party founded by former Prime Minister Mario Monti and abandoned, lives another traumatic transition. His secretary, the deputy minister of Economy Enrico Zanetti, left the group in the House along with three loyalists, Mariano Rabino, Giulio Cesare Sottanelli and Angelo Antonio D’Agostino, taking with him the symbol and name of the Civic Party. Then, in the afternoon, it announced the merger of the four escapees with 10 deputies of Ala and a deputy to do !. Thus was born the new “Civic Choice group to Citizens for Italy” in view of the “construction of an open liberal democratic strength to all those who want to join, marrying programs, principles, ideas.”

The new group – reads a note – has fifteen signatures, including those of Members Mariano Rabino, Angelo D’Agostino and Julius Sottanelli, the Civic Choice; Francesco Saverio Romano, Ignazio Abrignani, Luca d’Alessandro, Giuseppe Galati, Massimo Parisi, Giovanni Mottola, Monica Faenzi and Giorgio Lainati the Alliance component Liberalpopolare Autonomy; Marco Marcolin Fare. Other MPs have already announced their intention to join in the next few days.

“It is the first step toward building a new political entity – said Zanetti – which aims to aggregate forces of the center of liberal inspiration. the next step will be to comply with the liberal committees for the Yes to the constitutional referendum. “

One step to ferry the party (which grappling policies 10% but then lost pieces) to the specified destination Zanetti: transform it into the Italian section ALDE, the liberal EU, the third political force in the European parliament in Strasbourg. The new formation of the Chamber are also parties Denis Verdini and his fellow Wing. Which of course will remain firmly within the majority that supports the government of Matteo Renzi.

“We learn by news agencies that now Verdini joined the government, with Deputy Minister of Economy”, commented the leader and deputy leader of the Civic Chamber Choice, Giovanni Monchiero, Bruno Molea and John Palladino. “The parliamentary group of Civica- Choice aggiungono- the light of these facts it notes, reiterates its support to the majority and to Renzi.”

Just the inclusion of the former Berlusconi in ras political project launched by Zanetti has caused the internal split in the party. Zanetti and her have decided to leave the group after the assembly vote of the members elected a Steering opposed to the cartel’s line with Ala. The secretary accuses MPs who are opposed to its policy of transformation in line Sc Italian liberal pole of illegal: in practice colleagues who have left the party but not the group that has long not pay their share and yet they try to lay down the law . His opponents however stigmatize the understanding with Verdini, political figure certainly the antithesis of the founder, Mario Monti. Now Zanetti already has about fifteen members, including civic loyalists, verdiniani and parliamentarians from other groups, ready to form the new team in the House and bets to expand the team quickly.

civic choice
Mario Monti
Denis Verdini
Enrico Zanetti

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