Sunday, July 24, 2016

Rai, online fees over 200 thousand euro. Controversy in view in Cda – Il Sole 24 Ore

An opportunity, not just a legal obligation. So the top of Rai, composed of the director Monica Maggioni and General Manager Antonio Campo Dall’Orto, presented, in the classroom of the Board, the publication on the RAI site, starting tomorrow, the Plan for the transparency and corporate communications. The plan, approved in May by the Board, makes available a range of information: from the work done by the Board to the rules of governance, from the data on investment in the audiovisual sector to tenders and contracts up to the budgets of the last five years. The “flat” more palatable of the Plan, however, is made up of the gross annual remuneration of the RAI executives, journalists included, exceeding 200 thousand euro and consulting and non-artistic collaborations going beyond the 80 thousand euro. Compensation already “filtered” to the public from various sources, without a press conference has been called a word of this “corporate communication”, not properly transparent.

Maggioni: “Who pays the fee has the right to know “
the heads of state television have stressed, however, as the Rai is, in any case, the first Italian company to make public such important data on its corporate activities and the second public service in the world to do so, after the BBC. “Transparency – explains Monica Maggioni – is a value with respect to our mandate and our mission of public service. Who pays the fee has the right to know. ” “We are in tune with the way the country – adds Dall’Orto Court – and for us, the Plan is an opportunity rather than an obligation set by law on public service governance. Transparency is “sister” of innovation, it brings to light what you do, and then help those who want to innovate, like us. ” For these reasons, Rai will not publish online not only the fees related to 2015 but also those expected in 2016. While the data of Qualitel, the survey on the quality perceived by a sample of users, will be published daily from January 1 2017. the watchword of Dall’Orto Campo is “recovering the cultural leadership of the country and the transparency is an important step, it helps to attract value. With the project Rai Academy we want to strengthen and retain skills. “

Approved the reform of RAI. There will be a CEO with a leaner Board of Directors

Controversy in sight for communication of the Plan
The controversy will not fail, from the board of directors convened for tomorrow morning. Not only the counselors have learned salaries and emoluments from leaks orchestrated news prior to a press conference, which, in turn, preceded by one day their acknowledgment of an approved its plan by the Board. Will be raised, inevitably, the case of Francesco Merlo, the retired journalist, who receives from Rai about 280 thousand euro gross per year. When the administration retired directors also do not charge any fee, except for reimbursement of expenses.

OK to Rai reform by show of hands

Careers and internal corporate culture
Only time will tell how the Rai will derive from this operation, in terms of renewal and replacement of its leaders, including journalists. Of course, surprising, but not too much, that the RaiUno director, Andrea Fabiano, who grew up in RAI, does not appear in the list, because they earn less than € 200 thousand gross, while the other two network managers, hired from the outside, are around to EUR 300 thousand gross, the average number of directors of the Tg. Being brought up in Rai seems to generate “less value” in the eyes of the company. Field Dall’Orto responds that “the corporate culture is one” and the same for everyone. Sure, but the figures speak for themselves at times.

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