“We must do everything possible to pass the bill before the summer, this was the most delicate passage and has been exceeded.” The Minister of Justice Andrea Orlando, interviewed by Republic TV is back on the statute of limitations in the Senate, in the hope that the text can be approved before the summer recess, by 5 August. Yesterday the Minister of Justice had commented with satisfaction the node that was dissolved after months of deadlock and tensions between the Democratic Party and Ap. The Senate committee Justice has, in fact, gave the green light yesterday to amendments – first signatory of centrist senators Gabriele Albertini and Laura Bianconi but reformulated under the ‘lens’ of the government – that rewrite the timing of the prescription providing for a suspension of 18 months both between the first instance judgment and the appeal is between the second degree and the Supreme Court. Three years longer, in fact, the data processing time.
“I have expressed satisfaction because we wanted to change the institution of prescription in order to avoid leaving the defendant without a defined at the same time will prevent you prescribe the particular social alarm crimes because the times that you make available to the judge allows me to say with certainty, “he stressed the minister to Liana Milella during videoforum.
Yesterday he said that from now on the prescription for corruption will be difficult.
“Even today, with the raising of penalties (there have been two ) is difficult to be realized prescription for crimes against the public administration. “
“There are two statements that have a cut-off point: that of Davigo, in the abstract, is a right position but not takes into account that in Italy the processes do not work like a Swiss watch, with certain deadlines. Pomicino’s reasoning, however, does not take into account the improvement of the times that we hope to achieve. we believe that the prescription will not occur because we will make sure streamline processes. This law will limit the prescription because it will be able to realize shorter criminal proceedings. crimes against the pa rarely prescribe and are prescribed only in some courts of appeal, and some districts Already today (it is 30% of judgments) that lead the national average of 9%. If they will do better we go to 5%, a physiological proportion in a country where there is obbligatorità. the prescription is suspended for 18 months where there is a conviction. We want to avoid that in some processes a defendant can get by because the appeal lengthens the time. We plan to have no more sensational requirements such as those that have taken place on environmental offenses, on health, on workers and public administration. “
This law will see a yes before the summer break Parliament?
“I think we should do everything we can, the most delicate passage was on prescription that has been exceeded. We have made progress and I think I can be optimistic for the next steps. On many issues with the Ncd we passed rocks on which many said that we would not succeed. “
The law then it will be before the August 5th. And with trust?
“I hope no confidence. I tried to gather information also from the opposition, I have accepted amendments from the 5 Stars and even Forza Italy because at some of the issues that have been very divisive this is a bill with 40 items, which deals with issues on which we can all agree. Two examples: One is to increase the penalty for political-mafia vote trading. Then there increased penalties for robbery inside the apartments: those who stand against these measures goes against what they want most Italians. I think there are more things that are common sense than those that divide and this leads me to say that we can get to the bottom “
“on torture there is a legal vacuum also reported from Strasbourg, we must explain to the police that this is not a law against them, is not a law punitive towards them. We must move forward with the norm and find ways to guarantee and protect the vast majority of workers of the police.
The question interceptions: is it really necessary to go and put in the law how many bugging magistrates can put in their action?
“on the vote on wiretapping I read diametrically different reconstructions and I think that someone’s not the right stories. The last thing we want is to put the complaints and prevent Italians know. we do not want to remove the power to intercept but we want it in the files should be functional things in the process. The intercepts do not need to do sociology, but to ensure the crimes. Then if those things are elements that define a scenario or a situation I will not be, or my government and the curb. We want to give the same to the entire country. “
We open the chapter of the lack of staff in the offices and that produces a slow justice. Yesterday Davigo said” I do not think it is appropriate that a magistrate forth to make photocopies because they lack the staff. “
They are right who say that mobility is not enough but thanks to the mobility we dammed hemorrhage. we have buffered the decline in staff due to retirements.
Yesterday came the ok of the State Council to the decree on municipal registers for civil unions: what time do you foresee for the decrees?
“We would have until December but by the end of July I will send the draft of the decrees at Palazzo Chigi, exercising the powers even before the final deadline. By the end of July there will be my decrees. The necessary technical steps are: go to the Council of Ministers and then in the parliamentary committees for opinions. But I think all this will happen in a very short time. I had time until December, I took a lot less and I hope there are even shorter times for the other steps. “
“I think he’s right when he says that if they go Renzi made all’italicum changes are to be found the majorities for them. I am in favor of amendments which take into account the fact that the now tripolarismo has become a structural feature of electoral developments in our country, but if the changes are not majorities let’s keep the Italicum which is best of Consultellum that would lead to instability. I also hope that we are headed toward an overcoming of the double shift: I believe that a suggestion could be the greek electoral system which corresponds to our current political scenario. “
“There is a sealing problem of the majority but of the country’s health: a country that has wait so long to have certain and new rules are likely to have a democracy emptied of people and powers that can decide more quickly look at what happens in the world with the great economic and financial concentration: if democracy is not capable of giving new rules risk is that citizens are dispossessed of fundamental rights. “

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