And now, after the decision of the court of Naples that has suspended the expulsion of twenty militants, home-Five Star the unknown round of major political significance is the fate of Federico Pizzarotti. What will happen to the mayor of Parma, first breach in the wall system of the traditional parties, and together sign of resistance, ended up in the limbo from which might (or not) to come to its permanent expulsion from the formation of Beppe Grillo? Put in the right light, the choice of delivery Neapolitan judges though the regency of a good argument Movement to carry out a process of rewriting the “Non-Statute ‘been underway for months. Step up to a few days ago the controversial precisely because of his unpopularity estimated for widespread base of the M5S, although a growing concern that a surge in legal briefs. And who knows, in the end a solution is not already anticipated this autumn, in order to remove the wind to the sails of the counter-offensive game in the meantime by the Democratic Party authoritarianism of the leaders.
Pizzarotti “illegitimate suspension, never violated the rules,”
Before acceleration expects the credit
Yesterday the attitude of the Chamber Vice President Luigi Di Maio in commenting on the news arrived from Naples was the utmost prudence. That of the court of Naples that has readmitted some pentastellati activists deported “is not a judgment, but protective order, so it must not worry. We expect the credit. ” Interlocutory words, then. But it remains a fact that the “not-Statute ‘, so thought by Beppe Grillo and Casaleggio Gianroberto to mark the difference with the whole universe of other parties, now shows the side beyond eminently legal reasons. Serving more adequate and mature rules to a force which aspires rightly seen popular support, to lead the country. Perhaps not coincidentally another member of the Executive Board, Robert Fico, leave the door open. “We are very serene. We will assess what changes may do, including Statute and Regulation. Also because the electoral law changes, many rules for associations and parties are changing. And it is normal that a movement like ours, is completely revolutionary in its principles and objectives, both in the structure, growing and evolving, must also adapt its technical and organizational tools. ”
Party or no party?
In essence, highlighted in the pronunciation of the Neapolitan Court was the nature of the M5S party despite the load of meaning differences, from the beginning, in the propaganda of the founders. Explain the judges in the order of eleven pages that “despite the 5 Star Movement in its Statute (” Non-Statute ‘) does not define “political party”, and indeed excludes to be, in fact any association with joints in the area that has as its goal to contribute to the determination of the national policy can be defined as “party” pursuant to art. 49 of the Constitution. ” And in the same decision, establishing the illegality of the twenty members of the expulsion order issued because the organ in charge (that is, the assembly), there was “thereby protecting the interests of the excluded not see affected their right to participate in the political life of the Movement, perhaps by an antagonistic position with respect to the leadership line. “
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