Rome . A party neither right nor left because “for ten years the competition will be between the system and the anti-system”. A party that aids the Democratic Party to isolate a part of himself, that “significantly reduces the veto power of individual components, such as minority dem”. A party in which Denis Verdini, “a cumbersome presence in spite of himself”, will certainly have a right to citizenship if they solve his legal problems. It certainly can not say that the Deputy Minister of Economy Enrico Zanetti, Secretary of Civic Choice, turns around to the problems. Of course, does not think the resignation: “Mine is a choice of continuity.”
With her Deputy Minister and with the new group formed the Chamber together with Ala, we can say that Verdini officially joined the government?
“we make up a group of deputies which will be called civic Choosing to Citizens for Italy. the horizon is the Congress of the autumn. Until then, there will be the group with deputies from various sources including 8 Wing. “
is if nothing had happened?
” Absolutely not. It’s an important step. With Wing, in the coming weeks, it can really rise to the leg liberal executive. But to return to the original question, compared to the majority and the government changes little or nothing. “
you mean Verdini is long government?
“at parliamentary level it is Ala, not since yesterday, an unquestionably valuable strength to Renzi for ridure the significant power of veto of the individual components, which are also the minority of the Democratic Party. Then, there is a process that has started, the common framework can become Citizens for Italy, the initials with which we presented to the administrative. If you implement a policy convergence with verdiniani to Congress, the process will come to fruition. “
You are the center-left, then.
” Who reads the policy through bipolarity between center-right and center commits a very serious mistake. For ten years the confrontation will be between the anti-European front represented today in Italy especially from 5 star and the reformist and pro-European front that can surely have the right shades and left inside but of prevailing shared project. “
system against anti-system.
“Exactly. And it is much more healthy and prudent reform without destroying instead of brushing it all away before rebuilding. Missing, now, a form of electoral law that allows the majority premium coalitions with appropriate barriers. I think we’ll get there. So stay together major leg and a liberal progressive party like the Democratic Party. “
Is the change dell’Italicum proposed by Dario Franceschini.
” Franceschini has proved definitely one of the most lucid ever. Knows exactly what the situation is and what will be in the future. “
Do not feel favor the transformation ferrying former Forza Italy to the left?
” From ‘ 94 to 98 I too have had the card Forza Italy .. After that, I started working and I returned to politics in 2013. But I repeat: in a few years we will return to play on the right and left. Not now. “
The legal problems of Verdini the puzzle?
” At this time the Members belonging to our group are individualities who deserve respect. Anyone, Ala, is defined verdiniano. Now become zanettiani and there will be more verdiniani. It’s a joke, of course. The first to have the awareness of being cumbersome, despite himself, is Verdini. For too much advertising and for ongoing legal problems that I wish to address. If not, we can not count on his contribution. But I do not conventio ad excludendum, would be ridiculous. “
Do you know the ironies on the break in civic choice: is the splitting of the atom.
” I share. Some think that the atom is the perfect size for politics. Prefer to self-determination in 10 in a room instead of going to convince voters around the country. “
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