Sunday, July 31, 2016

Expelled a Pakistani suspected of collusion with terrorism – BBC

a Pakistani 26 year old was expelled on suspicion of having links to terrorism. As is clear from the investigation it would be a fact, that he “would-combatant” already lent oath of submission to the caliph on him hung a deportation order by the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano, who was executed by the police of Ros and Milan Vaprio d’Adda. Among his potential targets, according to investigators, there would be a liquor store. Pakistan, married to a compatriot, arrived in Italy in 2003 with his family, he attended Italian schools and had a steady job in a shop. The measure – say the investigators – was taken after a long investigation coordinated by the District Attorney of Milan anti-terrorism in accordance with the National Anti-Mafia and anti-terrorism, which has allowed us to verify a “growing process of radicalization in key jihadist” of Pakistani, on several occasions, he had expressed its adherence to the Islamic State and the sharing of the actions committed by various terrorist organizations jihadist galaxy.

the young man, in fact, in addition to having expressed the desire to reach the theaters of war to join the militias of the Islamic State, trying to convince other countrymen, including his wife, It showed “signs of progressive ideological exaltation in support of the Islamic State”, claiming to be willing to join the jihad in an act of martyrdom. He thought the Paris attacks a “legitimate” reaction to the operations from France and Isis anti-Syrian coalition in the Iraqi theater. As emerged from the police investigation, the Pakistani was found very active on social networks and had sought and examined documents on the Internet and movies related to Islamic fundamentalism and jihadi terrorism, taking into virtual contacts with people from the radical-Islamic orientation some of which then hit by precautionary measures for terrorism and expelled from Italy for the same reasons. The cooperation with foreign judicial authorities has allowed to observe his constant interest in the content, particularly violent and bloody, propaganda and published on the web by the terrorist organization training.

the Minister notes

“I have signed the expulsion of a Pakistani, considered dangerous for state security reasons. A major anti-terror operation, led admirably by Ros and the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri in Milan, supported by the magistrates, has allowed, in fact, the identification of the subject of twenty-six, living in Milan, tracked down as a result of a complex activity survey which found a type jihadist radicalization process already in place. ” This was underlined in a statement the Interior Minister Alfano noting that the man “was ready for martyrdom.” “The Pakistani – said Alfano – had repeatedly asserted its ideological affiliation to Isis, praising the heinous acts committed by jihadi terrorists, and his behavior was considered particularly dangerous because, in addition to responding to a radicalized profile, sketched a very active on the internet, in full keeping with the pattern of violence spread by Isis web. ” The Pakistani also expelled, Alfano said in its release, he was “engaged in proselytizing against even his wife, convinced, in so exalted, they want to reach the main theaters of the conflict to make a contribution as a fighter, ready to a act of martyrdom in the name of jihad. ”

July 31, 2016 | 12:44



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