Thursday, July 14, 2016

Canton: “Clash of trains in Puglia consequently of corruption” – The Republic

Rome – The tragedy in Puglia “unfortunately shows an objective connection with the facts we are dealing with today.” This was stated by President Anac, the national anti-corruption authorities, Raffaele Cantone, at the presentation of the annual report to the Senate. “Our heartfelt thoughts go definitely to the victims, those smiling faces and lost and those crumpled sheets. This incident, which will clarify the judiciary, it is probably the result of human error, but also a result of an atavistic problem of our country to put in place adequate infrastructure. And one of the reasons for this is to be identified in corruption. “

After the bitter reflection, State passes to stress as” begin to glimpse the first traces of the antibodies that they are entering in the system “. Are considerable data on increasing of reports in 2015 to testify in addition to “trust in authority” an “awakening from operators and citizens, tired of a system often unable to manage public resources to basic works and services for the community. “

in support, Canton offers a little ‘ numbers:” the reports of anomalies on contract work, services and supplies increased from about 1,200 in 2014 to nearly 3,000 in 2015 (an increase of more than twice), resulting in the opening of about 1,880 files (with a jump of over 50% compared to 2014). in terms of transparency, the reports received on the campaign platform transparency increased by about 90%, from 760 in 2014 to 1,435 in 2015. Considering the proceedings initiated on qualification of SOA system (2.560), on the implementation of corruption prevention measures (929), on rules on transparency ( 341), the investigation of so-called special supervision (more than 600), the total of the supervisory proceedings opened in 2015 exceeds

Canton observes on the sidelines as the emergence of corruption implies that the phenomenon “objectively it is gradually declining”, in the sense that “the emergence also plays a prevention function.” However, he points out, “I have many doubts about the attempts to make the calculations on the quantification: corruption is by its nature a crime hiding. So, all those who make charts, they make of data that have no scientific” character. By contrast, “the presence of people who report more is indicative of an attempt to change, a willingness reaction which I think is strong.”

The data provided by Canton in the Senate are “reported only some of the activities “said the president Anac, with” considerable organizational, professional and human part of all those involved, in various capacities, in the authority. ” For this canton calls for “action on Article. 19 of the Decree 90 that today prevent the Authority to invest the resources that already has available”, to allow ANAC, no extra burden on the public finances, to strengthen their skills and professionalism, to offer to citizens and market participants indispensable tools and services and, above all, to carry on the many projects useful for

the Authority, says the president, “he has always said that corruption can not be tackled through unilateral actions but requires, rather, multiple interventions and contextual. In addition to repressive, admirably performed by the judiciary, it is needed effective prevention on the part of all actors in the field and a cultural change on the part of citizens, businesses and public administrations. Precisely because they are aware of the need to involve a lot of energy in the field to lead what should be a common struggle and to overcome the self-referential logic of the watertight compartments, the Authority has structured over time a network of institutional relations, both internationally and national, to encourage the exchange of information and more effective action to prevent and combat corruption. “

the Authority, he underlines the President clarifying the role of ‘ authority “he does not want to make the gendarme against the public administration and contracting, or intend to arrogate tasks not ours”, but “we are not an authority who only wants to carry out ex-post controls, possibly completed when it is not very useful.” “Discovering corruption,” recalls Canton, it is for “reserved to the courts of the Republic” and with them “is being sincere cooperation.”

on the most burning issue, Rome Capital , State explains: “We have christened an integrated supervision of the project. Against the City were in fact carried out investigations at 360 degrees, aimed to evaluate the behavior in the three authority control areas: prevention of corruption, transparency and contractual activities. On all three it has emerged, as expected, critical the same or different thickness. “” Given the seriousness and complexity of the problems, has started a positive comparison with the commissioner who took instead of the city Council, with which we started a joint working group to identify and adopt right now possible solutions; an important legacy democratically elected administration, successor to the Commissioner. “

The review of the plan on the highest risk areas (recruitment and public contracts), Canton recalls,” did not allow to have a comprehensive picture of how the City will be concretely compared to the risk of corruption. deficiencies were noted with regard to transparency, in relation to the failure to publish the data on the processes of planning, implementation and evaluation of public works as well as on calls for tenders and contracts. The checks on the management of well 1,850 procedures not public evidence, showed numerous and serious illegalities: in particular, a generalized use of procedures reclaimed from the competition; shortages / omission of the verification of the requirements for participation to negotiated procedures for economic operators; improper use of the direct award of services to social cooperatives in accordance with art.
5 of Law 381/1991; The weaknesses / omissions scrutinizing the contract. “

Canton then reveals as” very serious findings “with respect to the waste management is emerged in the regions” Sicily , the investigation is still ongoing, and Apulia , with respect to which the Authority was able to see how the models of management are far from integrated system required by the environmental Code ” . Canton points the finger at “the presence of several persons to whom it is now entrusted with the management of services – municipalities, provinces, the area authority – also favored by localistic logic, regulatory uncertainties and weaknesses in regional planning”, which “resulted a systemic fragmentation of efforts and serious malfunctions in the valley, with contracts awarded on a non-regular and, in some cases, even low-cost operators joined by disqualification mafia. “Canton hopes that” even the confrontation started with the regions can overcome the problems reported. “


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