“Ahead of a crucial referendum campaign for democracy, is used to appoint the head of directors lined up for one or the other field. Until now the data are clear, the ‘yes’ is rampant. We must ward off any attempt authoritarian blitz. ” So on Facebook Commission President supervisory Rai Roberto Fico of the Movement 5 stars, who in his post also attacks the government on the issue salaries: “If in the Rai salaries roof is not respected – writes Fico – the only ones responsible are Renzi the majority. not only have they done nothing to reintroduce the limit, now even pretend to get angry. they are the epitome of hypocrisy. “
But the fig attack decisively rejected by members of the Democratic Party in the RAI Oversight Commission, from vice president Francesco Verducci: “But what kind of authoritarian blitz raves Fico? But what kind of rampant campaign for the Yes raves? reread the data, and can verify the balance between political forces in information Rai. and above all stop interfering in the appointments, it is for the Rai making autonomy and certainly not him. “
the issue of new appointments took shape yesterday during the meeting of the supervisory Commission Rai, when the deputy Dalila Nesci of M5s spoke explicitly of a decision in the next board of directors, scheduled for August 3 and Rai vertices in hearing did not comment in any way. While Carlo Freccero, grillini indicated by the board of directors, has branded the rumors: “A maneuver Stalinist against Berlinguer: the dg bends at Palazzo Chigi”.
“Why the head, the direction and drawing not announced lawsuit against the Rai counselor? “, he writes the deputy of the democratic party and the supervisory Commission Secretary Rai, Michele Anzaldi in his Facebook page.
“we are seeing pitch invasions that take us back to the First Republic,” says Vinicio Peluffo, Democratic Party leader in supervisory Commission. “The spirit of the Rai governance reform – explains Peluffo – commits the manager to take responsibility for their choices, transparency and independence of the company, first in front of the board of directors. This marked a key step in the direction of keep away from politics Rai. it is surprising then, and it is unacceptable that a member of the board of the same company as Carlo Freccero, invoke the intervention of Fico on issues and decisions that relate only to the company, and that the President of the Supervisory collect the invitation and we overs at the time of.
According to the rumors dg Rai Antonio Campo Dell’Orto could present to the board of directors new directors of the news: Mario Orfeo remains to TG1, TG2 is promoted to Deputy director Ida Colucci, while the Bianca Berlinguer TG3 would be replaced by Antonio Di Bella, who has already guided the head from 2001 to 2009 and which would keep Rainews guide, the aim of a unified newsroom. A revolution that reaches the height of the controversy over maxistipendi Rai, even before the dg present the plan for the reduction of fees and that for the solution of the “luxury parked” of Viale Mazzini. Plans that still require “some
But the discontent is bipartisan, and also involve councilors in proportion Democratic Party, who want first to discuss the plan for the information of the editorial director Carlo Verdelli, whose cornerstones they were presented on June 8. “But such guidelines, it was a report from the seminar, we want to first discuss a real piano,” hisses Franco Siddi. Also on the same line Paul Mass, the center area. Guelph Guelph, considered the most renziano, shows many doubts: “We are free people, our liking has a strong weight.” Arturo Diaconale, center area, warns: “I will not be as firm as a milestone”.
Viale Mazzini no official comment: line is that before the names you are faced with the Verdelli plan. But it is possible that floor and nominations come together on August 3. The order of the appointments of the board of directors of the news day does not appear: you should discuss the report on the financial statements and internal audit. But there is time until 48 hours before the meeting to update the odg.
From the organizational point of view, the main change would be the merger between TG3 and RAI News, echoing an idea of the former dg Gubitosi. The merger will bring savings at various levels, from the salary of the Director to the use of post, but above all allow each moment to open windows on RAI-3 with direct Rainews, very dear to the general manager. Bella has doubled the ratings of its canal “all news”, as Orfeo boasts good numbers for Tg1.
Ida Colucci, once considered close to Forza Italy, is the real news. He checked on more acceptable names Dall’Orto Camp as Sarah Varetto (Skytg24) and Gaia Tortora La7. From Palazzo Chigi, with the okay of Alfano, it arrived the stop: “Enough external.” And the centrists led by Colucci. The Dall’Orto Campo road is downhill: Board of Directors with a two-thirds majority can block the appointments of the news. A confrontation with counselors would be a bank for those in the Democratic Party, as Michele Anzaldi, speaks explicitly of “no confidence” towards the manager who had to build Rai renziana.
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