The opportunity to exit from the standby condition, in which it is closed from the 16th of December last, the day came to Regina Coeli accused of corruption for its traffic and real estate with the manufacturer Scarpellini, will be the interrogation that is expected to be held this week, when the deputy Prosecutor Paolo Ielo will return to sit in front of him to contestargli the abuse of office for which, precisely, is investigated in competition with the Rays and whom the mayor would now like to have answered as the sole responsible. And Marra will be talking about . For another, the decision to move – at this point, forced – not, it seems to find us unprepared. On the contrary, even “finally lifted”, “euphoric”. As those who have played the last hand of a game that no longer has anything to lose, and, above all, strong of a tea towel and defensive, not only meditated, but who is paying for an advantage. Speak last. Knowing, therefore, what it now accuses the Rays, and with what arguments. And talk about back in the possession of those precious “chat” of the “four friends at the bar” (he, Raggi, Salvatore Romeo, and Frongia) remained in the memory of the mobile phone that was seized at the time of the arrest, and in these last weeks, partially filtered, and their contents, in the chronicles of this affaire. “I think that those chat that are now finally back in the availability of the defence and that I’m looking into to go read and considered as a whole – observes sn eaky lawyer Chess – because only then you will be able to answer the question about the role played by Marra in the match of the nominating committee and on the degree of awareness of the Mayor that, as we discover now, incredibly, she might have known.” Already. Apparently, the number, the content and frequency of communications between the Rays and the Romeo in the days and weeks of the so-called “tax clearance application” (the request for expression of interest, which started the procedure of selection and rotation of leaders of the capital during which it found its place in the sun the lucky Renato Marra), show documents, as not only the Rays were kept constantly aware of the moves of Raffaele on behalf of his brother Renato, but as these moves were promptly communicated and shared by the other “friends”: Romeo and Frongia. more. Marra would be ready to document and to indicate the need for repeated meetings and meetings in which he participated for the definition of those appointments. The role of the Rays and those who were the spectators. Revealing not only how and why Romeo introduced him to the Rays in the spring of 2016, but also the up-to-date manual Cencelli, and the lists of proscription with which the Five Stars moved once in the Capitol, ending up dilaniarsi. As it will be interesting, if you really Marra decides to reveal it, the content of the interview that had, in the most difficult time for him (when she pondered resignation) with Luigi Di Maio, appointed as a guarantor able to reassure him about the political necessity of his stay in the Capitol. And in this framework, also the subject of legal that is used by Ray in his questioning on Thursday, to neutralize the charge of abuse of office could get out of it incinerated. The awareness of the mayor that the appointment of Renato Marra would have resulted in an increase of the salary and, therefore, a “monetary advantage” is, in fact, demonstrated by the resolution that the municipal offices came up for his signature, and that it pointed out clearly the new range of salaries. Which, obviously, unless you want to consider the Rays to be incapable of understanding and will, would bring this story to its point of beginning. A conscious “condomio” Ray-Marra in the abuse.Raffaele Marra (ap) ROME – The decision is made. Raffaele Marra will be talking about. Because the last, slender thread that still advised that silence was cut off Thursday night. When the mayor Virginia Ray, in his eight hours of questioning, has downloaded a second time. With the same contempt, and the cold calculation with which he was liberated politically, the day of his arrest. This time accusing h im of a crime that is worth a few years in jail, in addition to those which promises the imputation to which it is now held (corruption). Claiming to have been betrayed in trust and confidence, induced the fake, while he was abusing in the solitude of the power to direct the appointment of his brother, Renato Marra, guaranteeing that the benefit of assets (20 thousand euro of salary increase per annum), of which she was unaware. And who in this story becomes a condition critical to be able to configure whether or not the offence of abuse of office.
- Topics:
- now ray
- the capitol
- Starring:
- raffaele marra
- virginia ray
- salvatore romeo
- daniele frongia
- renato marra

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