Thursday, February 2, 2017

Virginia Ray, the mayor is a beneficiary of the life insurance policy Romeo: promoted after 6 months with a salary increase.

Virginia Ray to be the beneficiary. the Salvatore Romeo contractor. The mayor M5S who has appointed as the head of his secretariat (connected salary increase) Salvatore Romeo, a few months before has been indicated by the same Romeo as the recipient of a life insurance policies. The death of Romeo, the mayor may then cash an amount corresponding to the amount accrued is equal to about 30 thousand euro.

The power of Attorney of Rome has discovered the existence of the policy in the context of the investigations on the appointments to the Capitol. Initially, the beneficiary in case of death indicated by the Romeo was not the Virginia Ray. When he signed the contract a few years ago, Romeo has been indicated as the beneficiary another person. For some years the officer of the municipality of Rome has consistently paid the premiums, allowing theaccumulation of capital to be collected at the time of his death.

Then, in January 2016, the shot of the scene: Romeo changing the beneficiary. In the event of the death of the officer of the municipality of Rome is the subject who can collect the accumulated amount is Virginia Ray, who shortly will come to the so-called "comunarie", that is, the primary online inside the Movement to be a candidate for the office of mayor of Rome.

The prosecutor added Paolo Ielo and the substitute Francesco Dall’olio in the interrogation began in the early afternoon far away from prying eyes in a peripheral office of the Police will certainly place all the questions of the case to the mayor. The question is, in fact, still subject to investigation, and the contract might have an explanation. The mayor may not be never been informed of this act of generosity future from your collaborator. In other words, when the Rays decided the change of the position and the salary increase for Romeo (in July) he could not know choose, six months before as beneficiary of a life insurance policy from his appointed. The questions certainly pm you will be laying are many: why is Romeo chooses as the beneficiary of life insurance policies Virginia-Rays? Why is it doing this only in the January 2016, year s after the subscription? The mayor knew? It was possible for a ransom of the insurance contract on the life of Romeo, and – if yes – under what conditions?

The evaluation of the behavior of the subjects involved in this story radical change depending on the answers. Of course, anyone is free to do what they want with their money. No rule prohibits an employee of the town of turn a life insurance policy by indicating how the new beneficiary is a councillor, which was then Virginia Ray. The question of policy comes from the sphere of merely private only for the re-appointment of Romeo carried out in July.

let’s See the dates. In January, Romeo indicates Virginia’s Rays as the beneficiary of the policy. In that month, during an internal struggle within the M5S roman between the "climbing" composed by the directors of the grillini Virginia Ray and Daniele Frongia and the parent Marcello De Vito, and appointed Roberta Lombardi. In February, Virginia Ray is a candidate against Marcello De Vito and beats him to the "comunarie", thus becoming the candidate of the M5S. On June 20, Virginia-Rays is chosen out of Roberto Giachetti three weeks after appointment the municipal employee Romeo at the head of its secretariat.

The salary of Romeo passes by 39 thousand euro per year to 110 thousand euros. TheAuthority anti-corruption Anac led by Raffaele Cantone an opinion that recommend but does not obligate you, the municipality in this and other cases, to fix a the roof to the remuneration. Following the opinion, the Virginia-Rays cut the fees of your head of the secretariat, Romeo from 110 thousand to 93mila euros gross, more than double the previous salary of a public employee. Romeo leaves the new place on the 17th of December 2016, after the arrest of his friend Raffaele Marra, ended up in prison with the accusation of corruption.


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