Monday, February 6, 2017

Ray, Romeo being investigated for a contest in abuse of office –

Salvatore Romeo,former head of the secretariat, the policy of the Virginia-Rays, is being investigated by the Prosecutor’s office of Rome for the competition in abuse of office in connection with the investigation on the appointment by the mayor. Romeo, what you learned, would have received an invitation to appear and to be heard in the week by the deputy prosecutor Paolo Ielo and from the pm Francesco From the Oil. The former head of the secretariat, the policy of the mayor is the same that it signed two life insurance policies of which he was the beneficiary of the Rays, although these investigators did not constitute a circumstance that is criminally relevant.

“the Forms of capital, is not excessively risky, more or less profitable”. So Salvatore Romeo, in an interview with the Agora (Raitre), has established the life insurance policies for two of which the Virginia-Rays is indicated as the recipient. Romeo, the former head of the secretariat of the mayor of Rome, denies the possibility that the policies were a form of political financing: “there is no clue on this”.

“We were preparing to govern the city, if we had won the elections,” says Romeo on the relationship with the future mayor of Rome during the election campaign. “It was not a project of my own, of Marra and the Rays. It was a joint project of a team captain from Virginia-Rays”, explains during the interview. And then he adds, have “taken a step back to avoid further embarrassment (to the mayor, ed)”, referring to his resignation as head of the secretariat, arrived after the arrest of Marra.

Romeo admits that the trusted Raffaele Marra, the former personnel manager of the Capitol, currently in prison with the accusation of corruption for a story before the council of the Rays. “I worked with Marra for a long time,” explains Romeo – He was my department head, had titles, this was from the Guardia di Finanza. From what I knew, was a person in the place. The things for which he is accused are previous to our acquaintance, therefore I knew nothing nor imagined”. Romeo added: “I met Marra in 2013 and I worked with him well for a period, producing some result. By reason of this fiduciary relationship, I have presented to various members of the Movement 5 stars”. And regretted having done it? “Regret is an understatement…”.

Meanwhile, Luigi Di Maio invites his colleagues pentastellati not to allow themselves to be used and stresses as in the Movement, there can be no currents because “they would be dead after two terms”.


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