The day after is the time of the comments. The murder of twenty-two years old Italo D Elisa, an employee of “Dense”, killed with four shots of the gun from the widow of 34-year-old who would have invested in and killed him (a circumstance that would emerge from the preliminary hearing is imminent) on the first of July 2016, giving life to a sad chatter, and part of the municipality of Wide is the host. the whole of Italy is divided and it is also through social. Makes it to the road. Those who mourn the dead, those who defend the husband, the avenger, and could not live without his beloved, Roberta Smargiassi. The lawyers of the alleged murderer Fabio Di Lello (Pierpaolo And reoni and John Cerella), while in the delicacy of the case, state that the “Italo D Elisa, after having invested Roberta Smargiassi had not shown any sign of repentance. Seemed to challenge Di Lello: when he accelerated, he faced his gaze with an air of challenge. Our assisted, which is waiting for the interrogation of warranty, at the moment it appears rather confused. We fear that we may make an extreme gesture”. The legal protection of the family of the young man, was killed pointing the finger instead of on the premeditation of the murder. “It was not a crime of passion. Of Elisa was followed, persecuted, in a fiendish criminal plan”.
The crime minute-by-minute
twenty-four hours away, is reconstructed the crime of Italo D Elisa (in the picture). It happened at 16.30, a few steps to the bar “Drink Water” via Perth, to the Vast. D Elisa had made a tour through the countryside, he was thirsty. And’ arrived at the bar with his bicycle motocross, is entered, then it is successful, and you came across in the baker, former player and currently coach of the youth of the country, Fabio Di Lello. They exchanged a few words, then, their roads are divided. Only for some time, because Lello is back on his feet and has unloaded four gun shots to the abdomen. D Elisa is dead a few seconds later, on the sidewalk mattonellato, a trickle of blood that fell on the asphalt. the Fabio Di Lello, who coached the boys from the 14 to the 16, then started towards the cemetery of the Vast, where rests the wife Roberta Smargiassi, who died on the first of July of last year, around 23:30, in the centre of Vasto, after being invested with the Point wizard by D-Elisa. “Stop,” said Fabio Di Lello in the guardian, who was closing the gates. The baker went on the grave of the wife and has put a plastic bag with the pistol semi-automatic used to kill the young vasto. Then he phoned to a friend, telling what he had done. He stopped a short distance from the cemetery, a policeman, to which Fabio Di Lello smiled, in shock. It is made to accompany in the barracks and has confirmed what has already been said.
Justice for Roberta
his profile Facebook, Lello (in the picture with companion Roberta Smargiassi) had dedicated to his wife and the slogan “Justice for Roberta”. “I have lost confidence in the Justice system”, he said, “and I don’t want to happen ever to anyone about what happened to my wife.” The son of a well-known baker, Fabio Di Lello, 32 years old, he had played with success in the local teams up to announce his retirement, “because I want to – he said,” put on the family. Travel with my girlfriend, marry her, in short, put your head in place”. In October 2015 the dream of both had been crowned. Roberta Smargiassi, beautiful, and gaia, sh e had gone to work in the bakery of the father-in-law, to stay closer to her husband. The entire night awake and then at seven in the morning, we went to sleep. the evening of The first of July last year, the young woman at the wheel of his Yamaha scooter was heading towards the home of their parents when at the corner of via Giulio Cesare and Corso Mazzini had been hit by a Point (at the wheel there was Elisa, who he had collided with another car. Roberta had rolled across the asphalt, after he clashed with a traffic light. When she had arrived in the hospital, was already dead. Fabio Di Lello had been warned by the father-in-law: “Come on, it happened an accident”. Had not had the strength to tell him more.
Fights, tournaments, and a battle endless
The investigation into the death of Roberta Smargiassi had come to a crossroads, at the end of 2016. the Italo D Elisa was investigated for murder road, and days would be held the preliminary hearing, which could take it to trial or proscioglierlo. the Fabio Di Lello could not comprehend the fact that his wife was dead and that Justice had not yet taken its course. He had organised a torchlight procession, a commemorative mass, a soccer tournament. In the head only one slogan “Justice for Roberta”. Through Facebook, a large community had guaranteed unconditional support, as happens in these cases. Father-in-law would have sai d that “it will pay one day or the other, that”. He did not care about anything, now. Don’t count the sunny days, it was not enough that the promise of a smile to scaldargli the heart. He said that his wife had been stolen the life. the photo of his profile to Facebook was taken from the “Gladiator” (pictured), when it tells of the return home of the hero, which was butchered in the family for revenge. It was not an exalted, Fabio Di Lello. The tragedy, however, has upset the life. The chief prosecutor has admitted: “it is a drama in the drama.”
The charge of the bishop
“a rapid intervention of justice and an exemplary punishment” the tragedy would have been avoided, says the archbishop of the diocese of Chieti-Vasto, archbishop Bruno Forte: “The judiciary must take its course but in the fastest way possible. Justice slow is an injustice”.

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