Friday, February 3, 2017

Policies, Rays on tv: “Romeo activist trusty, but you change the owner” – Corriere della Sera

he Has done everything to show serena. Likely, to give her strength and encourage it the most effective approach, it was also the preparatory meeting in the Capitol with the communication manager of the Five-Star, Rocco Casalino. To the ritual question of the interviewer, who welcomed it with a “how are you?”, Virginia Ray responded with a quote from one bar of the Blues Brothers: “I Could be better… there are only the locusts”. Entering immediately in vivo, in the context of ex head of secretariat, Salvatore Romeo, has called him “an activist of the M5S is very estimated in the table on the Budget”: it is thus that the mayor of Rome, and made his debut in the program “moving Target” aired Friday evening on La7. “Romeo we have known in 2013, when we entered, he explained to Enrico Mentana, who immediately harassed on the relationship with the official of the capitol – . We help many citizen s and experts in many issues, he has helped us a lot when we entered the Capitol, and there were four of us. Over time it has certainly strengthened this relationship and he was born a great friendship and mutual esteem. Then, during the election campaign, he presented us with Marra, who was his boss.”

“Marra prepared, he had four degrees”

The story of the bills – the mayor has repeatedly said they do not know to be the beneficiary of two insurance contracts held in the name of his name from Romeo – he then clarified: “I’m hearing many of the reconstructions are imaginative. Those who have spread false news will respond”.”The most unpleasant in this story, he added, was not to be so informed. I will ask Romeo to immediately change the holder. This is what I want and gives me anxiety just thinking about it.” You want to issues of opportunity, either because he has admitted to being a little “superstitious” and prefers the traditional methods, that is: “The money will keep them under the mattress”. Irony aside, the Rays felt to give Romeo the benefit of the doubt: “I think that was a lightness in good faith”. The first town has also responded on another warm front, which was heard Thursday by the pm in the interroga tion-the river at the headquarters of the Sco – i.e. the former human Resources manager, Raffaele Marra, who was arrested with the accusation of corruption (according to the prosecution, the manufacturer Sergio Scarpellini would have provided the money for the purchase of an apartment in Prati fiscali, ed): “Marra had a curriculum is particularly important, the four degrees, was well acquainted with the regulations and the resolutions reiterated the advocate pentastellata – . Helped us understand how to work the machine the administration side, not the side advisers”. Ray has also denied that there were frictions between the ex-financier and the all0ra head of cabinet, Carla Raineri, then dimissionaria.

“Axis Previti-Marra-Romeo? The exclude”

The tenant of the Capitol has also dismantled the theorem of an axis between Cesare Previti (it’s in his studio that he began his career as a young advocate, ed), Raffaele Marra, and Salvatore Romeo: “We are at a tug of the cord on Previti, I thought I had explained everything, he emphasized . I will give an answer that I have learned to give in this hour: “as far as I know, the exclude”. If there is a link between Previti, Marra and Romeo, I tend to exclude it. But what do people do in their personal life, we are not obliged to know.”

“Resign? I’ve thought about it, the difficulties that would have worn down a bull”

On the hypothesis of resignation, aleggiata in these long weeks of judicial investigations and relied on by the more orthodox of the Five-star hotel, the mayor admitted to having succumbed to the idea of giving everything up: “I Believe that the difficulties that we have faced in recent months would have worn down a bull. I can’t say not thinking about it, but the romans have voted, and the project that the romans have chosen deserves respect”. Is determined to go ahead, the mayor, although aware of not being able to count on a supportive ecumenical: “it Is a lesson that they all learn in life,” she said : there are people who love you and people who love you less, I do a reason.”

February 3, 2017 | 19:11



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