Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Massacre of Viareggio, the family: we are not done yet ask for justice – Il Tirreno

VIAREGGIO. While the court of Lucca reads the operative part of the judgment for the train crash in Viareggio on 29 June 2009, Marco Piagentini, president of the association of the families of the victims, "The World that I would like to", the fixed from the other side of the classroom. Their eyes meet in the air, suspended in the chamber a the air breathed by hundreds of people, journalists, lawyers, politicians, citizens of viareggio. The voice of the law, the other him, the emblem of the family of the victims. Do not miss a word of the long and complicated judgment. On his face there is no expression that manages to shine through the hell that has past.

after seven years, the same to which it was now condemned Mauro Moretti, leader of Finmeccanica, at that time managing director of Rfi. Piagentini held in the hands of a stack of sheets, notes, that at that time of little importance, because now there is the judgment that will decide the responsible for the death of his wife and two of his sons. the Elijah and Moretti have been sentenced in the first instance to seven years, when the prosecution had asked 16 for Moretti and 15 for Elijah. At the end the journalists asked away, and some time to understand, to digest those words that he heard in the classroom. The senteza that the worth of the life.


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