The clashes yesterday between the collective university and the forces of law and order for a few moments have transformed, via Zamboni in the theatre of scenes that are rather violent, provoking different reactions from students who were in the faculty or in the library in the moments hottest. Among these, Gabriel and Michael, members, respectively, to the historical sciences and anthropology, and oriental sciences.
“I’m Gabriel, a student of historical sciences of the university of Bologna. We would also like to share with you a position that is not only mine, but it is the same as that of numerous other students, and for this I have written my Letter to the Collective of the University Autonomous of Bologna”.
“I am not represented by these people, I want to emphasise to the public. Those who are supposed to represent the ‘voice of the students”‘will self-present, already on, Facebook with a picture of a guy in riot gear. As you pretend, therefore, to go to the victims as soon as they happen clashes with the Police? The methods of the police and criticized by you, the students, like me, are exactly the same that you have adopted. I feel your members boast of the efforts made trying dialogues, peaceful, etc… but the dialogues and the peaceful and lose their effectiveness when they are only the prelude to a violent response, or at least overbearing. And you’re probably too proud of your barricades to understand that throwing chairs and bottles damaged in irreparable way any attempt to be taken seriously in a civil manner.
“The violence as a defense, it seems to me absurd, not justifying at all the use of violence as a form of resistance. A more effective method to resist, in this historical epoch, is to avoid the use of force and to seek for alternative solution. But you, perhaps, this is the judge cowardice. If you were really at the heart of a long-term goal and there ought to not grant exemptions to the violence depending on the circumstances. And I’m not here to make speeches on the fact that ‘violence leads to violence’, even if (unfortunately, in 2017) there would be no need. However, this is my opinion. Can be wrong. I hope not to receive accusations of fascism or bottigliate. Mainly I wanted to clarify that I, as a student, are not represented by the CUA”.
another student, Michela (department of letters and cultural heritage) that it was at 38 at the moment of the irruption of the collective want to say to her: “I Would just like to say that for my bad luck today (yesterday, ndr), I was among those guys remained closed in at 38 to the fault of the collective and I assure you that these “students” were not 500, but about twenty/thirty. Reading the article it seemed to me almost that you would refer to most of the college students, but today when we were closed in and started to scream at us that the police had come abruptly to 36 and this was not just, all of us, we are encamped against these groups deidi collective anarchists and show little respect, saying that we wanted to leave as soon as possible and that we wouldn’t have gone against anyone because of them were to occupy unjustly and illegally 36.
“Behold, I write only because these people who think they revolutionize the world with the violence and destroying public spaces dedicated to culture do not represent the majority of the university students, but a small circle, alas, more noisy, which unfortunately involves all of us.”

Wait a moment: we are uploading the video…

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