Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Berdini leaves, Rays, rejects resignation (but with reserve) – Corriere della Sera

Paolo Berdini, the holder of the Urban planning, has put the proxies. And the mayor has rejected the resignation “with reserve”. The councillor is finished in the storm after the declarations made in the Print: reviews (“Spoke is unprepared”), which has denied having ever said, but that the turin-based newspaper has confirmed. “I expect a denial, to me has always said the opposite,” is sbottata furious Virginia-Rays shortly before that between the two began in the Capitol a face-to-face with an uncertain outcome. Some had bet that Berdini would have remained in committee because it is near the deadline of 3 march, when expected to close the services conference on the thorny issue of the stadium of Rome. And this could be the reason which induced the first town on the “reserve”, which can be dissolved when deemed appropriate.

Berdini and the tears with the Five-star hotel amid rumors of resignation, and differences on stage
“The court of miracles” around Rays
The outburst

As he had asked Ray, in the course of the summit Berdini has apologised in relation to the declarations on the Print. Then, at the exit from the Capitol, he vented: “I met with Virginia Ray and I have reaffirmed the esteem it deserves. I feel deep sorrow for the situation that has arisen. I am not to tell the story of heavy insults and threats that I receive on a daily basis on the net, now we also passed the traps. A conversation carpita fraudulently by an unknown that has not even presented as a journalist, and during which I would have even claimed to be a friend of the prosecutor Paolo Ielo, that I have ever known in my life.” And again: “We are killing, a true media lynching that is going wild in the moment in which the municipal administration takes important decisions that change the way of governing this city. For months I, the undersigned, working to restore the town-planning and the confidence of the pub lic procurement contracts in the most absolute transparency. An action clear, which obviously creates some problems for some groups of power. This is the risk for those who want to break the old and the consolidated balance of the division that we have never accepted and will not accept”never”.

Discontent, the majority of

in Fact, the leader of the cricket in the Capitol, Paul Ferrara, was quick to proclaim: “For the moment, we do not ask for any step-back of the councilor Berdini”.Whatever the outcome of the summit in the course, some of the directors of 5 Stars after clutches that last for months, can’t wait the councillor. There has “damaged saying a falsehood, accuse. “It is self – evident- reiterate – that is not carrying forward a team game, and makes no representations closer to the personal opinions that are not in the spirit of the team”. The president of the commission for Transport, Enrico, Stefano, is square around the mayor: “we do Not agree with what was said Berdini, Virginia is perfectly capable of governing this city. We are all next, all 29 councillors, and work on a low head to solve the problems of the Roma”. So consulted about it, “We read is only journalistic reconstructions, we will ma ke a meeting to check.


In the article that has caused the case is reported of a conversation between Print and Berdini where the assessor does not spare criticism of the Rays: the mayor “on certain choices, it seems inadequate to the role. The grand commission of the State see that it is unprepared. But unprepared, structurally, not for years”. “I’m sorry – continued the holder of the Urban planning – . I’m very sorry. If you fidasse of the right people… But she is put in the midst of the court of miracles. I’ll I said, "you are the mayor, get around the best of the best of Rome". And instead was mass in the vicinity of a band”. Reviews also on the relationship between the first city of Rome and his former secretary Salvatore Romeo, now both of the suspects: “these Are very naive people. According to me they were lovers. I suspected from the very first days”. And on the question of the policy: “This woman who says that she knew nothing, but who do you tell? His luck was that there was no crime. She was also already separated at the time, and then say it! Is it possible that this girl should not ever get out?”.


Finished in the storm, Berdini has denied the content of the article RaiNews 24. The councillor claimed never to have released an interview with Print and rebuilt so the interview: “I Was talking with two friends and the journalist, this little rascal, he has taken away some of the sentences. Mayor unprepared? All of us come, we are unprepared, even I I start, I’d have said. I could not have imagined the abyss that I have found: the city is placed in the knee”. And then, at the other phrases that have been attributed: “I have never said these things. Do not make me go down in the basement where it is dropped this poor guy”.

The replication of the journal

The daily but in a note he confirmed, “a word-for-word the conversation with the councilor Berdini published in the edition today, signed by the journalist Frederick Capurso. If, humanly, we can understand the embarrassment of the minister this, however, does not justify in any way the unacceptable reviews, which Berdini has pronounced on the links to try to disprove what is reported”.

February 8, 2017 | 09:22



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