Thursday, February 2, 2017

Earthquake, cdm approves decree: tax exemptions, financial support to businesses and vulnerable groups – The Republic

the ROME – An injection of confidence and a concrete help to the recovery and revitalization of the areas affected by the earthquake. The decree, approved by the council of ministers, in addition to coping with emergency situations, points to the economic future of the area. The goal, as explained by the article 18 of the law, is to “counter the depopulation” and “to promote the reconstitution of the economic fabric”. The premier Gentiloni: “our strategy is a project of darning the Country, to cope with its weaknesses in the medium-to long-term period. The project that we have not shelved, but in the meantime, here and now, it is time to accele rate on the problems, the difficulties, the risks of bottlenecks and bureaucracy, and it is this that is addressed in the decree that we have approved.” The president of the Council has added that the decree provides, inter alia, “measures of simplification to build new schools, 21 have already been planned and others”.

We have resources for the earthquake in the law of the budget, we are putting in the field more with this decree, he explained, Gentiloni – We have already anticipated in the letter sent yesterday in Brussels of the need for more resources, at least a billion that in the next period will be necessary. In the meantime, however, it is not that we wait for god-knows-what above determinations. We decide and we take our responsibility.”

In the 134 municipalities of the crater is formed in a “free zone” for tax purposes, which will result in the exemption, in 2017-2018, the Ires-personal income Tax (up to 100 thousand euros of taxable income), Irap (up to 300 thousand euro of tax base) and by the Imu-Tasi. The intervention will cover the 67 thousand enterprises registered to the respective Chambers of Commerce, and is valid only for companies already resident. The intervention, as is evident, will not be a simple suspension of the payment, but a real exemption.

Always, to help the production facilities, to article 9, it is expected, the more traditional and still necessary. Settle in fact, 80 million grant for companies in the Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria, which have suffered damages in terms of “reduction in capacity”.

The decree also provides for the intervention in “support of the weaker sectors of the population”. Article 14 defines the terms of a measure of “income support” to the residents in the “crater” that “live in conditions of greater hardship”. For these citizens, selected on the basis of the Isee (that is, the document sheet which is used to get access to social services) is to deploy a “shopping card”, the value of which should be around 200 euro.

The decree also takes care of employees for which it is guaranteed the extension of a subsidy for the non-activity until 31 December of this year. In addition, a provision allows Municipalities, Provinces and Regions to recruit new staff and enter into contracts for the operation of the “Offices for the rebuilding.”

in Addition to the measures to cope with the economic emergency, and counteract the depopulation of the 23 articles of the decree foresees a series of rules for the reconstruction. It provides for the acceleration of procedures for the seismic micro-zoning, that is, the mapping which will allow you to choose the areas suitable for reconstruction: the operation will be entrusted to a team of professionals in derogation to the provisions and procedures of custody is simplified.

Simplifications to procurement and procedures for the reconstruction of schools and demolition of buildings crumbling, with the aim of enabling the performance of the teaching. The 2016-2017 is said to be “the year except for the students affected by the catastrophic event, and that, of course, have slowed down the teaching and have accumulated absences.

To meet the need for accommodation of the displaced populations is also expected to improve, also by new purchases, the public residential housing stock. Housing will be assigned temporarily to displaced persons with what is called the “alternative form of assistance”.

Finally, the civil Protection: the decree provides more funds, organizational enhancement, recruitment, and competitions to cover the organic deficient. The lines of intervention: reinforcement of the means of volunteering, the network of Municipalities and of the monitoring of the risks.


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