Friday, February 3, 2017

Kills the guy who struck his wife with the car, the “avenger” is defended on social – The NINETEENTH Century

Vasto (Chieti) – The bench of the resentment is there, next to the tomb of the cemetery is Vast, where in July she is buried Roberta Smargiassi. Had made place Fabio Di Lello, 35 years, husband and by two days the killer Italo D Elisa, the man that had killed seven months before his wife in a car accident. At a certain point he understood not to be able to live away from her, he came to the cemetery every day, stroking the photo with Roberta looked at him with her radiant smile. the spoke to her, swearing that he would avenged. At times came new acquaintances, people who shared his same sadness, the relatives of two other young people of Vasto, to his friends, died shortly after Roberta.

Pain that added to the pain, powerlessness and impotence, day after day, until, a few days before Christmas, and had read a release from the defender Italo D Elisa in which they tried to make it less heavy the responsibility of the young person in the accident. It was then that Fabio has had the impression of not being able to keep the promise made to his wife, following the justice would not have obtained what they were looking for, a free-kick without any excuses or justifications. While all were still immersed in the atmosphere of the peace of the Christmas holidays, Fabio had already decided to do that by itself.

In January, while the friends spoke of the shock that they didn’t want to leave the quiet of their region and of a cold not seen in years, he had procured a pistol caliber 9 and was deciding how to act. the The moment has arrived two days ago. At lunch time Fabio went to find Roberta, she ate something in front of his tomb, I then went to meet his destiny, in front of a bar in the city. A few words with the man he hated. the three shots, one to the abdomen, one in the leg and one to the neck, according to the first reconstruction. the Italian For Elisa there was nothing to do. Fabio is away, but only to go back to her Roberta, to leave them in the gift of the gun as he would with his weapon, the gladiator of which he had posted the photo on the profile Facebook. the is delivered without opposing any resistance to the police who went to arrest him.

by Now he had finished brooding in his darkness, he had gotten his justice. Ended up in prison but when the news of her gesture for many has become a hero, the caped afternoon. It was the character that – consciously or not – had built in these months of loneliness and resentment dominated by a campaign to demand the justice that has few equals: a torchlight procession, the banners, the photos on Facebook to share, the comments of his fans.

A climate of hate without previous, is the accusation of the defendant and the family of the young man killed two days ago. “There was a misfortune that has hit more families,” explains Alessandro D Elisa, the uncle of the young man gunned down for revenge – We have been carrying the pain with dignity. You can’t understand, a boy of 21 years who has lost his job, he lost it all. There has been a campaign of hate towards this guy, which I assure you was a good boy, sensitive. A golden boy who suffered a pressure media. A victim to the other guy. Was helped and not had to put a banner in front of the place where he worked, and went every morning. We asked to be closer to families but we were told that it was too soon, we have waited with pain, and confidentiality”.

A different version from the accusations of the family and of the defenders of Fabio’s attitude “arrogant” by Italo. But the poison spread was too much to be able to understand each other. And the thirst for revenge, a desire too strong. the He speaks of the archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, Bruno Forte. To condemn revenge, certainly, but also to ask for a justice other than, “the more urges. Justice slow is not justice, and also produces effects like these, tragic that there has been Vast”.

The hatred becomes a wave that spreads on the social. Are women, men, young, less young, perhaps the most reluctant to talk about in these hours are the real inhabitants of the Vast. The others are a river in full flood. Pietro Paolo Perrotta: “since the State is as c… it seems, justice is opinionabile, and not from the certainties of the penis, then you can not tolerate the act of a husband who takes his revenge by…”.

Luca Padua: “what time I say that the non-Italian Justice, slow, ineffective and an end in itself, is the first Italian problem? Then it happens that one is “Justice” alone, in his own way, giving his own interpretation of “Justice””. Antonella Racanicchi: “Fabio has my sympathy. In a Country where there is justice, this is what you want to do. Incitement to murder, this must denounce your attorney against the State”. Sara Ferrario: “I would never do it but I understand and agree. The justice in Italy is scandalous. After seven months without having any perspective, his gesture is understandable.”

Allegations rejected by the public Prosecutor of the Vastor, Giampiero Di Florio: “No lenso, indeed, to the contrary, this proceeding highlights the quickness of a court like that of the Vast in the handling of processes: the investigation lasted for 110 days from the date of the accident. I would say that there were all the times to get a judgment in less than 8 months”.


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