Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Rome, on Berdini voltage in the bargain. Ray: “I’m expecting a denial”. Stefàno: “Evaluate the resignation” – The Republic

Rome, Berdini voltage in the bargain. Ray: "I expect a denial". Stefàno: "Evaluate the resignation"(reuters) An earthquake, the nth. This time all the political expectation of the shocks that might come from the surveys. The words of the councillor Paolo Berdini reported by The Press have put in turmoil, the city council and the majority led by Virginia-Rays in the Capitol that is already poorly tolerated the stand taken by the holder of the Urban plan ning of the capitol about the new stadium of Rome. “I expect a denial, to me has always said the opposite,” said the mayor upon arrival in the Capitol.

After the 15 you started the comparison between the councillor and the mayor, but the location of Berdini, for his positions on the stadium of Roma, which had already caused more than a maldipancia inside the M5S, is now in the balance.

the Palazzo Senatorio you’re considering the possibility of the freezing of the powers of Berdini pending further clarification. And the counselor M5s Enrico Stefàno the question of whether Berdini should resign in the morning, he replied: “I Hope that this evaluate him. It is clear that when there is a group working in a team, I think this is obvious. Virginia is absolutely at the height of the situation has proved, is proving and will prove it in the future – adds Stefano – We are 29 advisors who work in low head for the good of the city, go ahead and compact and cohesive”.

the intention of The planner with explicit sympathy for the left is to continue, in spite of everything: “All of us come, we are unprepared – he said this morning at Rainews24 trying to do the reverse as reported by the turin newspaper – I was there I put, I already said. I could not have imagined the abyss that I have found: the city is placed in the knee”.

But it will not be easy for him, because for months, with one foot in and one out of the ordinary, to overcome this obstacle, conscious of being perceived as a foreign body by an important piece of the Movement roman. For days, there was the hypothesis of untarring the department of Berdini, by assigning a new graft in executive powers of the public works.

The operation may be accelerated, waiting, eventually, you calm the waters to decide whether to keep, now is the planner. Whatever the answer that will come from the mayor, Berdini is another texture for the 5 stars that govern the capital, struggling already with inquiries about the nomination involving the first town. At the national level, for now, remains silent even Roberta Lombardi, the charge that the councillor has shared some battles, especially on the front of the housing emergency and the so-called “piani di zona”.

For the 5-Star speaker, however, Danilo Toninelli: “I don’t know if the words of Berdini are true. Him I care what he says on stage.”

The opposition, however, is unleashed: “let’s Imagine that Berdini

” you’re resigning,” says the parent company Dem, Michela Di Biase. The senator of Forza Italy Francesco Giro, instead, calls on the mayor to “pull the plug. The romans can not be humiliated up to this point is beyond any limit. Have the right to know if there is a mayor at the guide of their city, and now have a further proof that this mayor is no longer there. There is a helmsman. He fell into the sea”.

now ray
Paolo Berdini

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