Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rome, Cricket at the side of the mayor: “those Who are with you are with the Movement, and vice versa” – The Republic

Rome, Cricket at the side of the mayor: "those Who are with you are with the Movement, and vice versa"Of course, sleep more quiet Virginia, the mayor. Now that blindarla and to protect it against all, and against the, once again, there is Beppe Grillo. “Those who are with the movement is Rays. And vice versa,” he writes on the blog. Stopping the merry-go-round for three days saw the first town of Rome end up on a roller coaster: first with the heart in the throat in front of the pm and then down from the clouds for those policies never signed that have “shocked”.

The keep Cricket, but not only. Does more: it warns the detractors with that “And vice versa, explaining without too many conspiracy theories or that “anyone who is against the mayor is an enemy of the movement pentastellato. “Rome needs 5 Star Movement, and has chosen you to implement the change that we have proposed, in an open letter to the mayor, after having dedicated some time before in a letter to the Trilussa “Er, cowardly nun, if it touches”. In the message posted on the blog in order to exalt the gifts: “it must Not be easy to admit your own errors as you had the courage to do publicly.” She thanks you, you moved and promises: “I assure You that I take the straight bar and go forward to Rome.”

And so the week, the most difficult for the Rays, and concludes with a cold shower for those between the Cinquestelle, already saw it in the balance. Indeed, with the support of Grillo, raises and starts running again. On the operation in the Capitol, for example. And on the Stadium “bogged down” of Rome, who might see this as a positive development already from the next week during a meeting Tuesday with the applicants. Then there is the “plane hole” to fill. And now you want to enlarge. The junta, currently composed of 10 people plus the mayor. On arrival there would be one or two new councillors: almost certainly the input of at least one woman, most probably a figure technique, even if you do not exclude till the end even the possibility of drawing from the basin of the city council. Three of the powers that might be assigned scorporandole from the current departments of reference: school (time-in-chief Laura Baldassarre, together with the Social capita l (time-in-chief Andrea Mazzillo together with the Budget) and public works (whose delegation now is to Paolo Berdini, together with the Urban planning).

And the deputy M5S Alessandro

the Baptist adds: The first seven months of the Five Star Movement to the guide of Rome, “were not absolutely wasted: to approve the budget, pull out of the resources to be invested in the Municipalities, have the courage to block the Olympics, start working being a Town with 14, 15, 16 billion euros of debt, is not in the least imaginable. I have always said that the administration of Rome is more difficult than the president of the Council”.


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