Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Bagnasco in all actuality: surrogacy, Varani and immigration “on the agenda” of the Bishops – Intelligonews

Bagnasco in all actuality: surrogacy, Varani and immigration “on the agenda” of the Bishops

Three days of intense reflection in a place equally reserved and quiet.

the Italian bishops gathered in Genoa at the archdiocesan seminary of Genoa at the behest of the President of the CEI Angelo Bagnasco. But it is not a choice of convenience dictated by the need not to move the number one from his archdiocese, the choice of Genoa is motivated by the fact that here d to 15 to 18 September will take place the National Eucharistic Congress. a meeting that also serves as a preparation for this great event.

the CEI president opened the meeting by touching the subject that most of all is the heart of Pope Francis, with whom Bagnasco has recovered from time a perfect tune after being repeatedly referred to as. “unwelcome”

The theme is that of immigration and hospitality :

“Dall ‘beginning of 2015 4,200 people died, including 330 children only in the Aegean Sea. What a spectacle of himself gives Europe? “ asks Bagnasco clearly pointing in the direction of Brussels. “The Italian Church – adds the president of the CEI – continues to make a contribution through the parishes, religious institutes, organizations such as Caritas and diocesan offices for the migrants.” Bagnasco also provides the welcome numbers to demonstrate how the Church in Italy face follow up words with deeds. “ Immigrants welcomed by the Church in our country is 45 thousand – announces – including many these days come to us through the humanitarian corridors. But now imposes the phase of the actual integration processes, processes that require honesty , quickly, rules, goodwill and trust by all. ”

So far as immigration, but Bagnasco always in line with Pope Francis, can not even touch other topical issues starting with the defense of the family. “ Love does not justify everything: having children is a great desire and legitimate, but it is the right of children not to become subject of law for anyone, because they are not things to be produced . The more that certain so-called rights are only for the rich, at the expense of the poorest, especially women and their bodies. ”

The reference to the debate on surrogate motherhood is obviously not purely coincidental.

Family – still continues – is the largest capital of enterprise and solidarity, a treasure not to weaken and scatter with unfounded approvals, treating different situations in the same way, effectively creating the paramatrimoniali situations “. Bagnasco does not hide a certain satisfaction at the success of the Family Day which showed that in Italy there is a vast nation that is on the side of the natural family and is in perfect harmony with the CEI position.

Bagnasco not then avoid even touching certain uncomfortable themes: “Whenever it is found a case of pedophilia is renewed in us the pain and sympathy with the victims and their relatives; together we reiterate the conviction of the perpetrators, while a growing concern for the scandal of souls. ” Series: condemned without ifs and buts for the pedophile priest but without forgetting that even behind a pedophile there is a soul, even before a body to recover and rescue (obviously not from jail but from evil). There is also an opportunity for a reference to the “case Varani”, the omocidio that devastated the capital. A murder that reinforces the crisis of values ​​that is shaping the new generations. “It appears a disturbing, absolute emptiness inside by the recent gruesome murder perpetrated out of curiosity and therefore not for some cause passionate, economic, antagonistic, even absurd and unacceptable. But out of curiosity, to see the effect. The malaise of many young people, without arrive at such extreme consequences reveals a desperate boredom of living which demands an insatiable need for strong sensations, so the torture and murder are designed, intended and lived for themselves “..


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