Monday, March 14, 2016

Model United Nations, Renzi speaks to 2,500 children from all over the world and critical Trump: explodes the applause – The Messenger

Convention Centre, Eur, 2,500 boys from 120 different countries around the world smiling, singing, waving flags but also listen carefully when the talks become official. Explodes the applause when the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in English, speaking against the populism that threaten Europe, adds, “if you look at the elections in the US at this time, I think the problem is not Europe alone.” The obvious reference is to Donald Trump, Republican candidate. He adds: “I have greatly appreciated the considerations Hillary Clinton last night,” referring to the words of Democratic candidate on support Renzi.
The event is the Model United Nations, organized by Harvard University, which for this edition has chosen Rome as the venue. College students of all containing, for four days, in addition to visiting the capital and to meet with Pope Francis, will simulate the UN works. The idea is to spread among young people the culture of dialogue and confrontation. But the Congress Palace, the inaugural day of the event, there is also another small political signal: in his speech Renzi emphasizes how everything has been possible thanks to the ” great job by Nicola Zingaretti. “

Later the prime minister and the president of the region will belong are also a couple of minutes, maybe talk about the future of the Democratic Party, perhaps the elections in Rome. Zingaretti, who also received the thanks of the vertices god Harvard University, said in his greeting to the boys: “You are and you’ll dialog manufacturers, carriers of the future, of hope and of peace. We live in the age of fear. Sometimes we wonder how we can not have any. You may not want to have no fear, as you can decide not to love. It is inherent in the life of each of us. What you can decide is how to react to fear. And that’s what we’re doing. We do not Surrend. We are together, on the same side, with a commitment to build a more united world, to live without hatred and fear. ”

             Monday, March 14, 2016, 18:23 – Last Updated: 20:09


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