Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Municipal in Rome: Meloni is a candidate mayor, expected announcement – The Republic

Giorgia Meloni to the nomination in Rome. In a note, the Bureau of the Brothers of Italy invited the party leaders to run for mayor of Rome. She has taken 24 hours of time to think about it and consult with allies but it is almost certain, unless second thoughts now, that tomorrow at midday will be announced his candidacy with an official press conference.

And Guido Bertolaso, candidate discussed but “official” of the center, comments: “They will decide our political leaders. for me the news of the day is that because of the Mosque was closed to traffic disruption and all the area traffic is paralyzed. These are the problems that interested in me and not others. ” And yet, a guest on ‘Porta a Porta’, the former Civil Defence: “It ‘clear that there is a struggle between some of the characters to have the leadership of the center in the upcoming national elections, and I went there for half I said that I wanted to take care of my city. in front of me was a sign ‘milestone’ and it was in front of the Capitol, I was where I wanted to go. “

Dura would rather the reaction of Berlusconi, tell Italian sources of strength that well sum up the party line: “When Meloni feel allies, Berlusconi will tell the candidate of Forza Italy’s Guido Bertolaso. She then if he wants to go and crash into the Marco Aurelio is a candidate as well.”

While the cheers League and will decide shortly how to take sides: “we did not come to Rome to go sightseeing and see winning the other, in a few minutes we’ll have a meeting to decide” do you know Gian Marco hundred, commissioner ‘ us with Salvini ‘in Lazio. And again: “Let’s see if a candidate, if and when a candidate will say ‘hooray Melons’”. In recent days the leader of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, had claimed the name of the President of FDI: “The best candidate for Rome” said. “We challenge – he added – who tells us that in Rome The League is worth 1.4% , our goal is to take one more vote of those who challenged us. The accounts are made at the end . we want to win I’m not insulted, let’s see who gets the most and if Bertolaso ​​retires, let’s see who will take the most votes, even within the coalition. they should hold nerve to show up with their symbol, “he said referring to Forza Italy.

Ready replication of the whole Minister Angelino Alfano: “in Italy you are experiencing something that is happening all over Europe and was widely expected: the right block that is against Europe the Euro and Turkey represented in Italy by Salvini and Meloni being configured as a far-right bloc and the moderates of Forza Italy have trouble

the center is now threatening to fall apart. And the deepest crack could be just the rift in Rome. Meloni, initially at stake for the chair of the mayor and weeks also evoked by the same Salvini, had slipped out of the race after announcement of her pregnancy during Family Day in Rome. A bump from political controversy. Guido Bertolaso, the candidate supported by the entire coalition initially and then only by Forza Italy, so he dismissed the possibility of a ticket with Meloni: “It has to be a mom” . “I do not want to argue. I say only with grace and pride to Guido Bertolaso ​​I’ll be mother anyway and I hope to be a great mom, as are all those women who with great difficulty and often in much more difficult conditions of my manage to combine professional commitments and maternity . I say this especially to respect them “had replied the leader of FDI.

With Bertolaso’s Silvio Berlusconi, his main sponsors:” women have five months of work not required “when they become mothers,” it is clear to everyone that a mother can not engage in a terrible job “how to administer Rome” is in a terrible situation. ” To replicate the former prime minister, though, is the Chairman of the Board, Matteo Renzi: “Of course a mother can make the mayor – says the secretary of the Democratic Party -, absolutely yes.” In just a few minutes and also the candidate of the center Roberto Giachetti takes sides: “If these men so good at giving advice to women, would change a few diapers in addition, this would be a better country.” On Bertolaso ​​had already rained bipartisan criticism from ministers Maria Elena Boschi and Beatrice Lorenzin.

In the center is thus chaos. With the announcement of Meloni candidates would become four: besides her and Bertolaso, running is Francesco Storace and also the entrepreneur Alfio Marchini, who is not an official candidate but his name has been put Salvini among the “eligible candidates “mayors to

primary League on February 28 and is the most voted. In the race for the extreme right also Simone Di Stefano CasaPound and Alfredo Iorio for MSI, national and Forza Nuova Fiamma. And in toto-names of recent weeks it had sprung up, for a few hours, the candidacy of Rita Dalla Chiesa, advocated by the same Meloni; He had proposed Fabio Rampelli and was made even ahead Irene Pivetti with Salvini which stated that it was not his candidate.


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