Wednesday, March 2, 2016

“No womb for rent.” Pd in ​​the corner – The Time



 Beppe Grillo and Avvenire for once agree. After the storm broke out on the son of Nichi Vendola and his partner Ed, the decision of the Court of Rome on cross-adoption within a gay couple gets to reignite the already heated political debate on the issues of adoption and uterus for rent .

 Given the tone of the interventions, and the very fact that they took to the field a few big guns, is to imagine that the matter still remain hot for a long time, because to continue to call for reactions and stances it is appropriate Nichi Vendola. If it works on the newspaper of the Italian Bishops’ Conference Future , in a sharp way.

 “The sad human market is growing, and has right and left inputs. You stop calling them rights ?, the newspaper of the bishops, in a statement signed by the director Marco Tarquinio, sparing no criticism of the “awesome phenomenon camouflage the harsh reality of the reification of a mother nameless, faceless and reduced to a mere executor of a master contract ‘by the media.

 But the surprise is the position taken by Beppe Grillo position, entrusted to a letter to the Corriere della Sera . The leader of the Movement 5 Star writes in fact perplexed: “Ethical issues in the low period can take the paradoxical aspects, on the ridiculous … Sorry: the tragic.” He adds, unequivocally: “I hear use the word love so so pressappochista to try a pain, intense, that no form of irony can solve.” He concludes: “There is something of the concept of surrogacy that scares me and it has nothing to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality. It scares me the logic of “we do it because it is possible”, a bit ‘as it has become easy to attack all the light bill. “

 The message is clear, and is amplified a little later, in an interview to the website of Republic , the Vice-President of the Chamber at altitude Movement 5 Stars, Luigi Di Maio. “We can not open the uterus supermarket for rent, the bar code of the child. The uterus supermarket for rent are closed – warns the leader of grillino directory – For same-sex couples to adopt purely and simply must be addressed in a referendum. “

 If the position of grillini might impress someone, this is not the case dell’Ncd and Angelino Alfano, who spoke personally to reiterate his opposition to adoption for gay couples and then brings into the party’s national spokesperson, Valentina Castaldini. “The surrogate is a practice unthinkable because it is the affirmation of the will of the adults who tramples the rights of children – he says – for this well is a bill that punishes even those who make use of surrogacy abroad» .

 Toni ultimatum that push the Minister of Justice, and leading member of the Democratic Party, Andrea Orlando to ask you “ammainino the banners” because “Italy needs a new law that puts us on the side of the child.” Meanwhile, the Judiciary Committee of the House gives green light to conduct a fact-finding investigation on the law on adoptions. In favor are expressed Pd and Italian Left, opposed instead League and FDI, while the M5S refrains and the components of the AP and FI commission are absent from the vote.


Daniele Di Mario


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