Rome – The leader of the Movement Five stars and the ‘ Future against Nichi Vendola and his choice to become a father, along with fellow Ed Head. But the political debate remains on. The Ncd leader, Angelino Alfano, reiterates its position against the adoption for couples of the same sex: “We work bill to define the surrogate mother as a universal crime (punishable in Italy even if committed abroad)”.
Cricket attack . “There is something in the concept of surrogacy that scares me and it has nothing to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality, but the ‘logic we do it because you can’.” So begins a letter from Beppe Grillo , after news of the paternity of Nichi Vendola about all’acceso debate on civil unions and adoption. “How far is Nichi Vendola from what is happening in the real world to afford to behave to a majorette twirling strange colored bats leading a procession of opinions on the sell-off,” says the statement signed by the Five Star Movement leader and published in the Corriere della Sera .
“the ethical issues in the period of low cost – pressed Grillo, – they can take the paradoxical aspects, on the ridiculous … sorry: the tragic. the the low cost phenomenon approaching many humans in transitional states of well-being when imaginary, at best, those same people are doing by sad stopgap, in ever more dispersed, and many, low seasons of all things: the price of the hotel luxury, to a romantic holiday, that of happiness, and that of rights makes people’s ideas even more confusing! “.
a context in which, he says, become” curious “as” the price of living creatures can become so low, and treatable, just when it is very high danger of irreparable disruption of the social and moral state of a people. Just living creatures, and all that the guarantees in life, it seems no longer have a perceived value. “
And then he adds:” scandalized because someone is funny Vendola but says nothing, or forget on purpose , what is happening to those who are suicidal for a debt scares me. Along with those strange definitions: surrogacy, soldier, sacrifice, unsustainability, abandonment … All locked up and away from the view while you chat only thinking if there was enough teeth whitened to show talkshow in yet. “
READ surrogacy: a choice that divides
Finger pointing contri the politically correct language. ” also Future works on the case of Vendola: “the sad human market grows and has right and left inputs. You stop calling them rights,” the newspaper of bishops. The director Marco Tarquinio points the finger at “the politically correct language used particularly by the radio and television public service announcements. An impressive phenomenon camouflage the harsh reality of the reification of a mother nameless, faceless and reduced to a mere executor of a contract master. “
Harsh words Tarquinio director. To emphasizes the nature of ‘law for the rich and powerful’ on gay unions and the possibility of adopting children, the editor of the Catholic newspaper replica: “Not all gay people are rich and powerful, but all of the surrogate ‘mother bought’ by heterosexual or homosexual couples are poor and powerless. ” Then the newspaper of the CEI is a “second underscore” and “it is for the ‘politically correct language’ used particularly by the radio and television public service announcements. An impressive phenomenon camouflage the harsh reality of the reification of a mother nameless, faceless and reduced to a mere executor of a master contract. “
Heated debate. The choice of Vendola never ceases to elicit reactions. And, while the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin , pointed to Republic that “to Vendola was a very tough decision, which put all face the reality of things: what it means surrogacy … Depriving him in advance of the mother is a cruelty, “the Education Minister, Stefania Giannini , admitted that” as a woman I have many doubts about the surrogacy tool ” . Interior Minister Angelino Alfano reiterates its ‘no’ adoption for gay couples: “We reiterate our opposition to all forms of adoption by couples formed by persons of the same kind. “We are working on two bills – remember the leader of Ncd -. The first house on the uterus as a universal crime. The second on fiscal measures to support the family and help at birth. A country that does not have children, it is a country without a future. “
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