Yesterday there was the direction of the Democratic Party . The “PD” direction serves, in the ecosystem, just two things. The first is to bring maximum excitement, always in the character limits of course, the awkward FIGS who writes about L’Unità (ie nowhere). Yesterday the awkward FIG tweeted orgasmic, always in character limits means: “ But as cool, powerful, authentic @matteorenzi when s’incazza .”
Note also the fact that the clumsy FIGS, to be certain that his slappata not pass anonymous as almost everything in his life, he chiocciolato (sic) Renzi. Hopefully, at the end of the day, in a caress or maybe a crunchy . It must be said that the clumsy FIGS, in the golden years of his brilliant existence, has used the same even tone against D’Alema and Santanché. Killing them both politically: daje Matte ‘.
The second function of the “Direction Pd” in the ecosystem is to remind us all that Hope lives and pretends to fight among we. And yesterday there we remember . As always, within the ephemeral “Direction Democratic Party,” he said Cuperlo perfect things, only after these outbursts pass its impeccable another six months and nothing happens.
And as always Barca has resigned himself , or by the Statute Commission of the Democratic Party, or PD directly. But then, the next day, try again the old story of “change from within, I believe it.” Bravo boat. Do you believe . But I think in the eggplant parmigiana, in Roger Waters and heel 12 Rosario Dawson Sin City . And much more enjoy.
All this, after all, it is however edge and details . Only yesterday I was struck by one thing: the further step of Matteo Renzi toward the indecency . Yesterday, in a quote by Cantona and a Stocazzo, Renzi cited Casaleggio. Rather, deliberately he pretended to do, so in the meantime he is dead and mica can contradict him. Specifically, Renzi has attributed to Casaleggio this sentence: “ What is viral is true .” He went on like that, always with his theatrics by Panariello discarded at the first audition of Water bath : “I or, when I read it, I said: ‘What madness is this!’. Not included then the value of those terrible words: if you take one thing and begin to repeat it all together, it becomes true for a lot of people who follow politics maybe . “
We are in a superficial way , in fact, faced with a new step toward the indecency, the boundaries of which have been long gone from the Mister Bean weak of Rignano. First, the technique of “repeat one thing endlessly, so then inattentive believe,” is exactly that – thanks to a question often conciliatory – was yesterday at the base of Berlusconi and today the renzismo. Then Renzi, in attacking others, attacks itself (and knows). Secondly, and this is immeasurably more serious, Gianroberto Casaleggio has never said such a thing. For heaven’s sake, I did not convince me Casaleggio often and I often criticized. As he has repeatedly criticized me. I still remember when he wrote on the blog “ Scanzi writes false “, and because of those four magic words for days received a boundless flame of insults and death threats. I remember it well: Casaleggio sometimes took us and sometimes not, like everyone else. It is not certain to keep it holy: it is at least not defame post-mortem (have already done exceedingly alive).
As told Travaglio on the Done this morning, Renzi refers to interview (there is also the video version: you can control) that Mark did in Casaleggio. The interviewee said the exact opposite of what yesterday awarded him wickedly Renzi. That is: “ If a network message loses its virality over time, is false .” Casaleggio was referring to the “ scoops alleged that newspapers have invented about me, without checking the veracity of the news. There are groups paid by political parties to spread viral messages against me and Grillo “. Marco who pointed out that it was the same accusation against Grillo and Casaleggio. And he: “ But we do not need to do so, because our messages are viral by itself, therefore real, and spread themselves. Those of others, patently false, they need a support àscare troops, paid maybe 5 Euros per day . ” Casaleggio said that “that is viral is true” , but argued (perhaps wrongly and perhaps not) that the Net lies have short life because you sgam now . And then the virality of what is false dies at birth.
Renzi has invented out of whole cloth the quotation marks (delusional) of a political opponent died , to ridicule him as the political force he created. A really nice way of doing politics, new and gentle. When it comes to denigrate the dead, usually, it means that we no longer know what to invent. It means to be fairly desperate. More: it means to be without restraint or shame. And this, for Renzi, is lucky if had any sense of decency, would not stop almost never to be ashamed of what he does and says.

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