Back to mention the leader of the Northern League, namely Matteo Salvini which seems to have appealed to the party of Silvio Berlusconi, Forza Italy, or . “Appeal to the center and Forza Italy : if there are, you hit a shot.
I read support hypotheses to Renzi, the “ni” in the referendum … clear agreements, long-term friendship, there is no time to lose, or traveling together or the League goes alone “, is this the statement by the leader of the Northern League, the federal secretary of the Northern League. They did not wait for the response of Giorgia Meloni, leader of FDI, herself on the sidelines of the of the Angelicum Work Festival, which says that if you are in centrodestro can not be supporter of the center and this is the big issue that Forza Italy must give a final and clear answer for the good of all, even if objectively everyone makes their own choices.
Salvini, in the course of his speech back to talk about a subject very dear Italians, or the ability to get out of the euro, a necessity which according to the leader of the Northern League seems to be achievable if the Northern League and therefore, the same should arrive in parliament. “We started to support him six months ago. I’m going over. It does not need a referendum because it would be a massacre for the economy. I say that if the league goes to the government, we get out.
Otherwise if you make three-month campaign on the referendum on the euro, there are people like Soros you slaughters , “he still said the leader of the League. Salvini also spoke on another timely subject or that of income Citizenship and in this respect adds that spend those 700 Euros to park one at home, I would spend them to lower taxes, or abolish the law Fornero. “I’d rather help 600 thousand vacant stores that pay the IMU, I’d rather take down the IMU on sheds or on artisan workshops rather than spending € 700 to park a person at home” added the leader of the Northern League .
but you can not talk about elections without also talking about electoral law and Salvini h said its also about this: “ The debate sull’Italicum causes me allergy, while the Italian emergencies are called labor, taxes and immigration. It seems to me that neither Renzi nor Grillo, have very clear ideas on these points. Do the electoral law they want, the League is ready to vote tomorrow morning with any system. But it would be bleak if Renzi would change the law that he wanted because he realized that loses “ .Finally Salvini finished his speech launching a European Union message in light of what happened in the last few days regarding the exit of Britain from Europe: “Outside the euro even without referendum we say for years.”
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