“In my opinion unpacking does not stand, in the sense that I understand that it would simplify the understanding if the application was dry but it is at stake the Constitution and the Constitution has rules and the majority of jurists say it is not possible to unpack and do the referendum à la carte “. In these terms, Matteo Renzi, in Corriere.it, responds to the hypothesis of unpacking of the referendum question. Unpacking goes, in this case, read as a precise time of the opposition attack strategy to disempower the referendum question to Prime Minister dividend of October in four but six distinct questions to one another on constitutional reform. In this way you would be able to disassemble the plebiscite effect that the prime minister would Renzi generated by connecting to the victory of the “yes” his stay in the government of the country.
Italians to vote Renzi continues then with his fearless to do: “I’m not afraid of the referendum because they vote for the citizens,” he explained. As for the timing, “depends on the Supreme Court: If I were to make a bet I would say to October. There are laws that say that, once submitted the signatures and made the procedure, there are 50-70 days to call a referendum. Reasonably will be in October. on October 30 would exclude because there is a bridge, and then if it’s not 30 October will be a nose November 6 “. On the issue is also intervened mistra Reforms talking to Cisl symposium.
Forza Italy and the “NI” Officially Forza Italy does not want to hear about a Nazarene bis ahead of the referendum. “No barter”, “no negotiations” with the Democratic Party, the ‘Noh to Bill Woods has “decided, light and compact,” say the blue colonels in chorus, denying rumors of a new covenant with Matteo Renzi on reforms, powered by ‘opening of the Democratic Party secretary sull’Italicum changes. Team leaders Renato Brunetta and Paolo Romani immediately put it out with a joint statement in mid-morning: “For us, the electoral law strongly supported by the government Renzi is a bad rule goes completely changed, but everything will be on the agenda of the Parliament only after the referendum on the Constitution, only after the victory of the ‘Noh. Despite the clarification, though, under plaster, in the corridors of the buildings and among the Azzurri, continues to circulate the idea not to close the door completely to the Democratic Party .
Fi on the point, in fact, is always split in two: there are doves that invite Cav to follow the advice of Fedele Confalonieri (support for reforms to resistituire the party lost the political centrality) and Hawks (Brunette on top), which excluding like the plague any new infection with the prime minister and refuse the idea of unpacking of the questions (considered unconstitutional) or postponement of the consultation, in anticipation of the examination of the stability law to offer the public a course change on the economic front, able to ensure consensus in the government. Silvio Berlusconi, in the Inner circle ensure blue, he prefers to stand at the window, waiting for the next moves of the majority. Basically, the line has already dictated a statement released after leaving the San Raffaele: no rescue blue Renzi, convinced that only through referendum battle you can give to the government shouldered, avoiding harmful constitutional reform for the country and change the Italicum, that the ballot would deliver a certain victory to grillini. By the parties in Arcore the intention is to proceed with caution, in stages. And the first step is the referendum, extending as much as possible the ‘no’ in the center and beyond, but without forcing the hand, because there is no hurry.
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