Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Renzi raises: “If I lose the referendum, we all go home” – Today

The clearest sentence uses Maurizio Martina: If you were to win the ‘No’ in the referendum “there is no plan B”. But the same idea had already advanced – in a more articulate way – the same Matteo Renzi : If the constitutional reforms were to be shot down, “is there anyone among you who can think, sincerely, that after this term was born this way, focused on the reforms, there is someone who sincerely think that in case the referendum would end in a no , from the President of the Council – would add the Parliament, but it does not concern me – there can not be an acknowledgment? “. Here, with the ‘No’ victory not just the government, but also the legislature would be the last stop.

If you surely would touch to Sergio Mattarella dissolve the Chambers, Renzi would be the secretary of the party that practically expresses an absolute majority in the House, because “if you want me to leave – says the Democratic minority – you have only to ask for a conference and win: good luck”. And not only: “Radio Chamber says that many are coming down from the wagon: when they return will find him busy. There’s no guarantee for anybody in this party.” In short, warns Renzi, “the season in which you imagine the Count Ugolino strategy to wear down those who are the party leadership does not work.”

From Dem majority arrive distinctions that are new respect to the directions of the secretary Renzi: the ‘Young Turks’ with Matthew Orfini ask – as the minority – a greater focus on social issues; the area that refers to Dario Franceschini instead emphasizes – with a speech by the Minister – to reason to change the Italicum introducing the award to the coalition. Hypotheses rejected by another minister, Graziano Delrio, but “if there is a better formulation okay, let’s try”. Renzi instead held far away from the topic electoral law. while emphasizing its interventions of the two ministers: as if to say, they think the Democratic Party parliamentary sources, that the discussion there. A message that in the case would turn from one side to the centrist majority, the other Silvio Berlusconi and moderate wing of Fi.

The minority with Gianni Cuperlo Renzi warns: with this line “bring the Italian left to a historic defeat” , because “you’re seen as an opponent from the right, and that’s fine, but also a piece of the left.” Thus “stop, exit the talent and Italy coated made only of opportunities.” Allegations that Renzi flatly rejects. The wing that refers to Robert Hope and Pierluigi Bersani instead performs an operation totally centered on social issues. Then at Hope and Cuperlo signing, is a document on the referendum asking you to give “full citizenship” to the positions of those who will vote no to the constitutional referendum. An attempt by the Nazarene see as the way to “campaign for the ‘No’” without exposing themselves in the first person. And if at first the document should not be voted, the majority decide in the end to put it to a vote, by communicating to the minority “well before the Renzi” replication: the result is that the agenda was rejected by large majority after Lorenzo Guerini had pointed out that the Democratic Party can not be “neutral” on the referendum. And the tension between minority and majority climb again.

They were surprised many by listening to the words of Renzi. How come the premier “threat” to dissolve the Chambers in case of no victory in the referendum? The nostista policy Print Ugo Magri writes today that “ Renzi says so because he feels the air of conspiracies against him . You know that a part of his same party hopes, deep down, in a defeat for dethrone him and place in its place some other exponent Pd. So Renzi challenge the internal opponents: careful – it is as if he said them with his usual defiant tone – that after me there will be only elections. “

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