Monday, July 4, 2016

Roma, corruption and money: 24 arrests. Congressman Ncd Marotta among the suspects – The Messenger

Not a ‘middle world but a very visible reality that had its headquarters a few meters away from the palaces of the Roman power, a few meters from Parliament. The recipe is simple: the perverse interweaving between business and corrupt politics able to manage procurement, determining appointments and dispense favors and bribes. Two seemingly parallel universes but which illicit conjunctions thanks to the expert hands of ‘facilitators and fixers that in the’ labyrinth of buildings that count appear to move with disarming ease. Characters who could count on illustrious friendships, even ‘high institutional positions.

24 arrests (12 in prison and 12 under house arrest) prepared by the investigating magistrate in Rome Guglielmi Giuseppina at the request of the prosecutor Paolo Ielo and Stefano Rocco Fava, performed by Special Currency Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza, led by general Giuseppe Bottillo. An investigation that sees 50 investigated on a round of bribes and that also involves a parliamentarian, Antonio Marotta (Popular Area), former Secretary of Education of the Berlusconi government, Giuseppe Pizza, national secretary of the New Democrats, and a constellation of entrepreneurs and public officials. Key figures were the tax expert Alberto Orsini and the recruiter Raffaele Pizza, the latter’s brother Joseph, who had his office in Via in Lucina, a few meters from the Parliament.

Pizza, which was transferred in Regina Coeli prison, according to the indictment it is an active figure in the field of public relations, strong “entrature ‘policies and thanks to” solid, ancient relationships with top personalities of bodies and public companies, has in fact represented a joint between the business world and the public authorities. All this happened in his office that was used as a kind of headquarters


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