Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rome, Rays: After eight months Rome has a mayor elected democratically – The Republic

Honorable councilor and councilors,
allow me first to extend a sincere thanks and my first greeting to all the citizens who are present here, to those who follow in streaming at the moment and all the Romans.

This is the first meeting Assembly Capitolina, that after eight months of receivership finally marks the opening of a new era, and then a new path, shared and democratic system which was missing in our city. After 8 long months, Rome returns to have a mayor elected democratically by their own citizens and is above all this is the victory that we must, first, consider ourselves proud: having restored democracy in a city where this had failed.

We want to start right away to give a first tangible sign: from the last Sunday of this month the doors of the Capitol will be open to citizens’ visits that will want to know up close the places of their, of our institutions. Also remember that the Capitoline Assembly sessions are public, as are the chairs of the committees and the public is always welcome to participate. This must once again become their home, the home of all the Romans.

The Capitoline Assembly sessions will be streamed live and are working to also transmit those of the Commissions: this proximity is used to retrieve the report trust between citizens and the institutions is lacking for too long and that he must return to be the basis for building a solid unity of purpose and the consequent political amministativa action, by freely elected councilors from the Roman community.

My sincere thanks and my congratulations go to the director and the elected councilors and also to those who do not have it made, by investing its efforts and energies, bringing into play their own ideas, his strength, his courage. To you and to all of them reserve my best wishes and a big good luck for the future.
It ‘an honor to be here in this courtroom, it is an honor to be here on behalf of all citizens of the Romans, even those who have not chosen me, because as I have said many times, regardless of the different political connotations, I will be the mayor of all Romans, even those who have voted for me.

Let me also say that I am proud to be the first woman mayor of the city of Rome and this too, we can not consider it a tremendous achievement. Proud, however, to occur at a time in which equal opportunities appear a chimera. Precisely for this reason, taking up a battle started in the last consiliatura, I hope that this House will be able to turn as soon as the now anachronistic Commission of Elected in Equal Opportunities Commission, giving the possibility also to men to participate and contribute to the development of an issue that belongs to each of us.

will be the responsibility and duty of my administration to confirm the confidence that the majority of citizens have placed in our government project. A project based on the idea of ​​a new city, finally able to walk on their own feet and address a look to the future, after the sad and serious legal mess Mafia capital that have stained the image of the Capitol and also that of many honest public employees who work hard every day for the good of our city.

well, I want to ask also a message to them. I want to tell him that will serve a joint effort, which will serve perseverance and determination, which will serve the desire to share, and that this desire, however, we will hear her inside, in each of us, because only together we can really make a difference. In this respect I want to emphasize my specific desire to keep to myself the powers of the staff. And it was important for me to attend the meeting Tuesday called by trade unions to introduce myself and to reiterate my closeness to the many issues involving our employees Capitoline. As announced on that occasion, next week we have already planned a first meeting in which we will begin to confront. A comparison that, however, I want to reiterate here, we always pay attention to all workers. Only together we can restore the lost sense of community and of which Rome has sorely needed.

On September 27, 1979, in this same hall, the now deceased Mayor Luigi Petroselli recalled in his inaugural speech strongly the principle and the feeling of humility, picking up the legacy of another giant of the capital history, Giulio Carlo Argan, as a sign of respect for his high and unparalleled intellectual rigor and moral. Us, we must now come closer to the important task ahead with a sense of duty and humility in the full knowledge that rebuilding a city in ruins, like the one we have left, will certainly not be easy. But we can do it. It is a goal that the M5S can and will achieve.

In this sense, I hope that by the same opposites there is a loyal and frank approach to dialogue, I hope that the awareness of the challenge we opposite it is also their own awareness. And mindful of previous experience in the Assembly Capitolina, just as opposition representative, I hope that each councilor sit here today, can maintain a behavior appropriate to the solemnity of these places and the high function that plays in the interest of citizens. We first have a duty and honor to lead by example.

This is our big chance to really change things. It ‘an opportunity for all Romans to return to have a City that you finally take care of them. Of us all.
It will not be enough to do, but we must do well. We are aware, and together we will be able. We will work to introduce a new alphabet and words such as merit, transparency, legality, solidarity after years of darkness and abandonment. We will work for our children and for our children’s children. And we will do it, having your hands free from any compromise.

I just swore on a beautiful Constitution, written for us after the culmination of one of the darkest periods of our history. I swore on the Rome Statute Capital, with deep conviction of wanting full implementation. And presenting today, July 7, 2016, as announced on the first day I took office, the Cabinet. Thus remaining perfectly consistent with what is said about ten days ago, with no delay but with the need to avail myself of all consentitomi time by law, to call in Committee competent people and level. Because that’s what it deserves Rome.

Tengo also point out that before the constitution of the Board, the regulations allow me to only appoint the Chief of Cabinet and Deputy and, in this light, I they are availed for these days of people who have helped me to work immediately to many of the problems that Roma, as is known to all, not await institutional time. Today we received a delegation of educators of nests concession concerned about their future, reassuring them on the basis of information received from the Office.
Let me, therefore, to introduce my government team:

Daniele Frongia, deputy Mayor and Councillor for quality of life, accessibility, sport and youth policy. Official ISTAT, he teaches at several universities and has been, in the previous consiliatura, Commissioner for Sports, the promoter of the plan for the elimination of architectural barriers and Chairman of the Committee on the reduction of waste. Also with regard to the sport, a subject very dear to us and to cultivate every day, my team will make use of an important major Ambassador: Andrea Lo Cicero, one of the greatest international champions of rugby, which has many challenges to overcome.
Marcello Minenna, Councillor Budget, economic resources and assets and owner of the Councillor for the purpose of reorganization of subsidiaries Executive head of the Quantitative Analysis of Consob and Professor of Mathematical Finance at the London Graduate School of Mathematical Finance and the University of Bocconi in Milan. Former member of the Technical Secretariat of the Special Commissioner of Rome Capital, he worked as a technical consultant with various judicial authorities and has taught quantitative finance in major international financial centers.
Paola Muraro , commissioner for environmental sustainability. environmental expert, has achieved a number of certificates in the field of “Discipline and Solid Waste Management”. And ‘President of’ Association of Italian Engineers for the Environment ATIA-ISWA, whose purpose is to promote and foster the development of a sustainable waste management. For more than twenty years working for public entities, public and private companies operating in the field of recovery and treatment of organic waste. E ‘was of’ AMA becoming a consultant, then, one of the experts in the management of the cycle of the capital waste.
Linda Meleo , Councillor for City in Motion. industrial economics professor and expert in topics related to the economic analysis of regulation, transport, public utilities, energy and the environment. Also applied researcher at the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and member of the Research Industrial and Financial Group-GRIF “Fabio Gobbo” Luiss “Guido Carli.”
Laura Baldassarre , commissioner of rights to the person, to the school and supportive communities. Expert in human rights, particularly of children and adolescents. Since 1992 UNICEF Italy, he was institutional advocacy manager and participated in the work of international organizations and European, as the UN Committee on the Rights and the Council of Europe. It was Area Coordinator Authority’s Rights Ombudsman for children and adolescents.
Adriano Meloni , Councillor for Economic Development, tourism and labor. academic studies in Washington and Paris, in 2001 launches, Italian language site Expedia, the world’s leading e-commerce travel. He conceived as a sponsor in 2006, the e-commerce annual research in Italy and is presented annually in a dedicated event.
Paul Berdini , councilor for urban planning and infrastructure. Engineer, was Secretary General of the National Institute of Urban Planning from 1990 to 1992. Member of Italian Nostra and the Committee for the Beauty Antonio Cederna. E ‘among the most profound connoisseurs Roman urbanism, he has published several books on the subject, including “The Jubilee without the city.”
Luca Bergamo, councilor for cultural Growth . Over the past four years it has been the Secretary General of Culture Action Europe (CAE), the most authoritative representative of the cultural and museum sector in Europe. Between 1996 and 2004 he has influenced the cultural life by creating and directing many initiatives of Rome including enzymes and the Biennale of Young Artists
Flavia Marzano , Councillor for easy Rome. For more than 25 years working for the innovation of Public Administration. Lecturer in Technologies for Public Administration at the universities of Bologna, Turin, Rome Sapienza and Link Campus University, where he created and directed the Master Smart Public Administration. The activity of the last decade was conducted mainly in the following areas: Open Government, Smart City, Digital Agenda, Transparency, Participation,

Open Source, Open date, Active citizenship, digital gap and gender.
None of them is a political but they are all citizens who have decided to put their expertise at the service of this beautiful city and of us all. Let us always remember where we started: we are citizens and between the citizens we must remain, turning the city talking to the Romans, finally drawing closer political people!


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