“I appeal to the center and Forza Italy: if you are, hit a shot. I read support hypotheses to Renzi, the “ni” in the referendum … clear agreements, long-term friendship, there is no time to lose, or are traveling together or the League should be alone. ” This was stated by Federal Secretary of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini.
“I appeal to the center and to Fi: If you’re at, hit a shot. I read support hypotheses to Renzi, the ‘nì the referendum … clear agreements, long-term friendship, there is no time to lose, or are traveling together or the League goes alone, “continued Salvini.
the need to exit the Euro ‘we started to support him six months ago. I’m going over. It does not need a referendum because it would be a massacre for the economy. I say that if the league goes to the government, we get out. Otherwise, if you do three month campaign on the referendum on the euro, there are people like Soros who slaughters you, “he still said the leader of the League.
” The debate causes me allergy, are sfangando Grillo and Renzi and Renzi and Grillo despite claims by both the one and the other, “whereas” the Italian emergency is called labor, taxes and immigration, and it seems to me that neither nor Renzi Grillo have very clear ideas, do the electoral law they want, the League is ready to vote tomorrow morning with any electoral system, but it would be seedy that Renzi would change the law that he did when he realized that loses, “he still stressed the head of the League sull’Italicum intervening in the debate.
“We want to help Renzi, we are very ready to do it, we want to help him get home. We want to return it to the affected family, the father, the children, we will help to return home by voting no to October. In this case we are for family reunification, we are not for immigrants, but in this case, yes, “said Vice President of the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, on Radio Cusano Campus microphones. “In Forza Italy was closed the period of the Magic Circle, was assigned the role of treasurer to a wise man, experienced and wise, like Senator Messina, who has a huge experience. Confalonieri’s words? They have been useful, because it clarified that Berlusconi does not think like him and has also shown that in Forza Italy are all compact. Nobody said to think as Confalonieri. He is a very moderate sir, has every right to say what he thinks, but given that this is not the expressed opinion of Berlusconi. “
” A liberal spirit is for dialogue. Always. And my dialogue with you is in open dissent. And it is also an invitation: it is better not to mix politics with business considerations considerations, like the one you’ve expressed on the proposals regarding television ownership of 5 Stars. ” With an open letter published on Dagospia Renato Brunetta meanwhile does not mince words to criticize the appeal to a kind of ‘a Nazarene’ launched yesterday by Fedele Confalonieri. The blue leader in the House has not digested the opening credit of the president of Mediaset to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi: “I am a respectable views, important for everyone, certainly very important for someone like Berlusconi, he invented both commercial television is Strength Italy, but now – a now that lasts for 22 years – has another dominant thoughts and is the national interest. “
and that, said Brunetta, ‘passes for a strong alternative to renzismo, which It was not at all positive as you say, but it is leading to economic disaster, the international nullaggine, and internal dictatorship, if it were to pass the referendum on constitutional reforms that Fi has chosen to reject resoundingly, by promoting the establishment of independent committees of no. ” A “new Nazarene”, warns, “the Grand Coalition cherished by you, nowadays, would certainly not have the result of stopping the 5 Star, it would instead be a fabulous propellant. Take away four million votes in the Democratic Party, four to fi, and consign them to Grillo.

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