Friday, July 1, 2016

“The Olympic Games? Rome can not borrow to other years “- BBC

“The Olympics in Rome? We just finished paying an installment of 90 million that concerns the World Cup in ’90 and we have a debt of 13 billion euro: Do ​​the accounts of their weight on the shoulders of the citizens of these events. We can not borrow for other years. ” The mayor Virginia Rays to Vatican Radio microphones was clear on the issue of the nomination of the Games 2024. “The Romans I have asked to make the Olympics, but if a referendum will want them we’ll be there.”

to all the

from waste to Mafia social capital:” I liked the encilica “praise to you,” which talks about climate change and community spirit ‘, has Raggi said. On relations with the Church: “We looked across the Tiber”. And on the moral issue: “After the tragic events brought together under the name of Mafia capital, which collect so many years of bad policy, it is important that all citizens understand the common good that overcomes the particularism and selfishness. We have a duty to report these values ​​outside of the institutions. ”

shadow carousel


The Rays in audience by the Pope on the tablet messages from the suburbs


Private Audience by Francesco

The interview to ‘ issuer of the path of conciliation took place during a private audience by Pope Francis day, where the mayor has visited at ten in the morning, then commenting: “it is a person of great humanity, he congratulated me.” Rays brought a gift to the Pope a video featuring the voices of citizens from Ostia in Corviale, passing through San Basilio and Tor Bella Monaca: dozens of Romans who turned his own thoughts to the Holy Father wished him to “get on with what they are doing” . A thirty year old has asked Bergoglio to “realize the hopes expressed about the payment IMU for the years of the Church involved in trading.”

Immigrants, disabled, child care

” There is a Rome forgotten, frail people are in need of attention from an economic point of view. With Mafia Capital we saw how immigrants are exploited: it was said that making more of the drug. We should not make money using people, the money we need to help people. ” Then the barrier, obstacle for but also for older people with prams, sick with crutches and tourists with trolley: “Accessibility is about all we have to look at transportation as a culture, I think of people who are blind and not deaf. I created a department of quality of life because of this. ” As for kindergartens Rays stressed: “The services were affected by the cuts always political, instead, we must engage the cuts on wastage and increase the supply of services: we need to increase the waiting lists for the full acceptance, the nurseries are the first places for socialization and the growth of children. “

Transport and potholes

on the topic of the tram and metro bus transport which place Roma lag behind other world cities, the mayor raised the restoration of Atac: “from here to 2019 c ‘ it is the challenge with the inclusion of individuals in the company. ” And on immediate action and reiterated the priority lanes for buses, the extension of the service in the suburbs “where it was cut,” a network of cycle paths and the increase in car sharing. “But also to promote teleworking which reduces traffic and cargo delivery and unloading do not coincide with peak times. All things possible in other parts of the world: we have to copy the good government, but it will take time. ” And then a particular focus was on the sense of injustice. “Enough with the scoundrels who do not pay the bus, put the car in double row … The Romans do not like Rome? I would not say: we have campaigned on the rules and 67 percent gave us confidence. Surely there is a cultural action to do and re-establish trust between the police and citizens. Mafia Capital has made us see how the systematic violation of the rules has left us with the barbarity of services and offerings, we also need to re-establish the certainty of punishment for the respect of the rules: you can not tolerate that some citizens pay the ticket, do sacrifices to buy the monthly and annual passes and then there are others who enjoy the same services for free. ” And the Roman streets, fundamental theme: “I have already asked the timetable of all contracts to reschedule the races carefully the issue of road maintenance: I remember that in 2015 a survey revealed bribes to corrupt officials who should have control works”.

Sport and Education

“We have 150 public sports facilities that fall apart: those who want to play sports has difficulties or you must enroll in private centers that are more expensive, so it is critical to share the sport in the newspaper. We begin by children in schools for sports every day: I for my child to school I had to pay extra because gymnastics is not as expected. But from 3 to 6years is vital movement, the sport is not important in the grand event, but every day, there must be the welfare culture. If there is to it we can also talk about other things, or not. ”

1 July 2016 | 14:57



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