In the beginning was for all “u sheep tracks”, the tractor, capable of plowing enemies as if they were expanses of wheat at the foot of Busambra, the Corleone fortress that swallowed the disappeared. Then, over time, repented after repented of his ability to shoot, his cruelty in action, no one seemed to remember much more.
Then it became the “accountant”, the thin strategist who theorized the “flooding” of the organization. The manager who governed the access of companies to public works, the book that kept in mind the “putting in place” for revenue, lace, big business, hyper and super markets.
himself, for his investments, for its interests, has had his eye on the long health. He began in the mid-seventies with hospital supplies. To be in his hands the keys, through a crowd of blockheads, led by his nephew, a poker company that had headquarters in all stretched out of the stable building boom Palermo. In the mid-eighties that explored the power system from a report of the police, signed by the then captain Angiolo Pellegrini, it was already much more than a radiograph of a solid holding company that had firmly planted their feet in Palermo in public spending and the professions. But, in the myth of
Riina, who left in the shade its followers, no one would worry much about those companies which would have led to unveil a network of embarrassing reports for the silent city.
It happened only after more than two decades, when it was discovered that the most important structure for radiation oncology was his protege, he says harassed. The engineer Michele Aiello was the entrepreneur who at the sound of massive investment, the intended use of flash variants and a host of friends in the police had established a formidable system for deciding him the price of the services paid for by the Convention ‘ Asl. Totò Cuffaro regional president had put the stamp to the irresistible ascent of the biggest contributor of Sicily. Behind which there was just the “accountant” Provenzano.
To make it operate in Marseille had mobilized the cream of men of honor. In a chain of solidarity, suspected family, has led to a setup for the murder urologist Attilio Manca.
Of Cosa Nostra, ruling formally designated leader, Totò Riina, was never the leader. The eternal second, the prudent general, ready for war, to share the aims secretly cultivating the art of mediation. Why in the hearts of many men of honor he was the model to which to refer: little blood, a lot of business. Because in the silence of arms the state is distracted and picciotti fatten safe. The longest fugitive Cosa Nostra, an elusive ghost for 43 years. The rude and uneducated manager, who stuffed full prose of his “pizzini” the inevitable biblical quotations and oblique blessings, reappeared in the morning on April 11, 2006 in Mountain Horse, a few kilometers from Corleone. He was close to his family, his wife Saveria Benedetta Palazzolo, the Cinisi shirt that has never really married and the sons, Angelo and Francesco Paolo, remained protected from prosecutions and convictions.
The disappointment was great for who imagined that a godfather of his caliber were living in some kind of palace. First a hand, caught on the fly by a binoculars of Renato Cortese hunters team, then full length, Provenzano showed itself for what it was: an elder from the look mobilissimo, modest studies and frugal life, but able to administer an empire . He hissed something like, you do not realize, alluding to its end, and as far as I would be achieved. An interception had put on the right track: “Iddu, ca is it?”, “He is here?” He asked surprised the brother to the family. With the certainty that he was in Corleone, step by step rebuilt the chain of subsistence parcels coming from his wife’s home to shelter the fugitive.
Be careful not to undermine the formal role of Riina, after stragista shared the choice of 1992, Provenzano has expressed the moderate line, the return to the old, a Cosa Nostra not trying to make war on the state and it is average, grossing impunity and dispensing apparent social peace. That’s why he was still at the bar in the Palermo process for State-Mafia negotiations.
Twice escaped capture when a confidant, Luigi Ilardo, had blabbed a summit in Mezzojuso campaigns. The blitz there was not Provenzano was a fugitive for another 11 years. That
his habit of writing – “the writer”, disregarding the choice of leaving such a large number of tracks, called him Riina – those typewritten sheets folded, the code devised to disguise the names of accomplices, it is still an extraordinary archive today to understand the paths of its orders and the vast network of its interests. His criminal legacy, still partly to crack to open the chest of secrets that has brought with it.

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