Today, starting at 15 The direction of the Democratic Party .
“Lunar Debate”. Two words are enough to Matteo Renzi to store the long phrasing of these days on the dual role of the Secretary-premier and the subsequent resignation from the secretary claims by the minority dem after the flop to administrative. Frosts also expectations on all’Italicum tweaks and those of hypothetical changes of direction at the meeting in via Palermo today. In the showdown in the direction dem they will be rather invited by Renzi to demonstrate compactness and to rethink every event in the context of the dramatic events that range from defeating the Italians in Dhaka to post Brexit. And to take, perhaps most importantly to avoid being alone in the dock, the responsibility is that of the victories of defeats ( “painful”) the Municipal: the vote in the city “has involved all of us,” he says.
“the referendum? I would do it – anticipates Renzi in a long interview with Sky – but the date does not depend on me. it depends on the Supreme Court and subsequent appeals. Reasonably I would say to October, if all goes as It must be between 2 and 30 “. Dry your response to those who criticized for having personalized the referendum campaign: “I am ready to take the consequences, because I am a leader and I can not pretend nothing happened. But are others who want to customize against me the referendum as a political battle element internal “. Another issue on the table: the all’Italicum changes for someone – in key rapprochement to Fi – the prime minister would not rule out. “I do not see a majority in parliament for an alternative law – closes net Renzi – would love to have the power of life and death over laws in Parliament, but even if some people think, this is not a
Arguments that do not like to Fi – who returns to reclaim its role as a pure opposition to Renzi – neither the government allies. Since Secretary of Choice Civica Enrico Zanetti who asks to avoid “tactics” on the election law: a majority to change the Italicum – explains fact Zanetti – there. Provided that Renzi wants to ‘manage’ the votes of the Democratic Party. In an interview with Sky and, especially in key management, there is also room for some lunges against Renzi Massimo D’Alema, a leading domestic foes of the secretary: “The referendum has all the rights to vote what they believe and frankly I think it is difficult to impose something to D’Alema. to me, however, would like to discuss the merits. the reforms proposed by him with the Bicameral were much more impactful than ours, but could not pass them. And they are not the only reforms thing that D’Alema has missed an opportunity. he made the labor market reform, while we have made the jobs act “. Then the gloss poisonous: “D’Alema unfortunately very often speaks but the results of his actions Italians have seen them in the last 20 years and will choose them ….”
So straight bar, in view of direction today. There will be a reshuffle in the government and the Democratic Party as “better a controversy less and a discussion on the contents more. E ‘debate a lunar one on my dual role …”. One need only look to Europe and civilized England, where “the right leader Cameron leave because he lost the referendum, it will do a conference, you will choose a new leader and this will become Prime Minister. In the rest of Europe the leader of the first party is the president of the Council. “
” One word to describe myself? I would say simply – finally ends the prime minister -. I have the reputation of being a very tenacious determined, bad for someone, but I’m usually country boy. Guido the most beautiful country in the world and try to do it by putting all my honor, but with great simplicity. How am I really know my friends Rignano, my friends scouts. Arrogant or good or immodest? Simply simple …. “
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