Luigi Di Maio misses three times the subjunctive mood on the social and ends up crushed by the irony of the internet users. It was the Twitter account @nonleggerlo to catch and capture three versions of a post (the two on Twitter and one on Facebook) all sensationally wrong in the use of the subjunctive.
The theme chosen by Di Maio for the launch of her tweet is that of the cyberspionaggio: “If there is a risk that persons spying in the highest institutions of the State…”, he writes in a first time. It only takes a few minutes and arrive early banter, so Di Maio delete the tweet and try again. But even this goes wrong: “If there is a risk that the highest institutions of the State were spies what is the level of security…”. Twitter users are unleashed: “Again, you will be more lucky”, writes one, while another offers to pay to the member a after-school of grammar.
But that is not the end here: to make matters worse, there is also a third version that the head of cricket public on your profile Facebook. “If there is the risk that the two subjects spiassero the highest institutions of the State what is the level of security…”. In short, a disaster.
The vice president of the Chamber of the 5 star Movement is not new to slips of grammar. One of the more repeated on the web is certainly the one that saw him starring in the last September, when from the stage of a rally organized with Cricket and all the elite pentastellato Neptune said verbatim: “As if tomorrow showed up twenty exposed against Renzi, the iscrivessi in the register of suspects, and I would be in this square and urlerei Renzi is being investigated”. In that case, the gaffe came close to the storm to have read and not understood (as he himself admitted), the famous mail that informed about the vertices ” of a criminal investigation, at the expense of the former commissioner of the capitoline to the Waste Paola Muraro.
And it’s not just the grammar that have created embarrassment to Di Maio. Also in September compared Renzi to “Pinochet in Venezuela”. Too bad it was the Chile.
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