Saturday, July 2, 2016

Brexit, Serracchiani writes Renzi: bet on the free port of Trieste – BBC

Trieste could exploit the situation created by Brexit and act as a driving force for the rest of the country. The President of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Debora Serracchiani, sent this letter to the President of the Council of Ministers, Matteo Renzi, and, for information, to the Minister of Economy and Finance, Piar Carlo Padoan, and the Minister of Development economic, Carlo Calenda, to discuss “the opportunities, in particular from the port of Trieste, a view that can materialize the idea of ​​establishing some” no tax areas “as a result of the so-called Brexit”.

opportunities for Trieste

“it is known – wrote the Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party – the output of Britain by the European Union will commit Member States in an extraordinarily complex process … in this scenario, is of particular interest in the proposal (…) to establish in our country a few “no tax areas”, aimed at attracting investments. It is in this perspective, and with particular regard to the identification of these geographical areas, which harbor to your attention the unique opportunity presented by this region. ” In summary Trieste, which is already home to a free port “that is a real unique in the legal Italian and Community ‘, it could make the most of its potential. “It is, in practice, an instrument characterized essentially by two regimes: the freedom of access and transit and extradoganalità (or” extraterritoriality customs “).”

The tax advantages

“With these rules, for example, the trucks from Turkey are not subject to bilateral quotas between Member for which the transit to and from the Port of Trieste (Autostrada del Mare Trieste-Turkey) is free, “he added Serracchiani, who then recalled ‘goods from non-EU countries can be unloaded and stored (no time limit) exempt from duty or other tax, until it will cross the boundaries of the ex-point, to be imported into the customs Italian / Community … Furthermore, since the Union goods leave the territory of the Union not just made their entry into the free port, export is not subject to VAT ‘.

the singularity of the port of Trieste franc

the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia finally recalled that “the Authority Port Authority of Trieste, thanks to measures displacement of the areas of the ex point of Porto Vecchio, resulting from the recent national rules sdemanializzazione, has extended the benefits of the ex point Trieste port back to some areas: areas that are eligible to be placed, with procedures simplified, industrial and logistical activities liable to benefit from the advantages described above, in tax and customs habitats unique in the European landscape. ” The ultimate goal is to increase investment and, thanks to its central location in Europe in Trieste (where he was presented the new municipal council of the center), to ensure that the benefits of the free port spread to the whole of Italy.

2 July 2016 (modified July 2, 2016 | 24:16)



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